Foods are raw when ay are not cooked. Some foods, like bananas or lettuce are good to eat raw, and others, such as potatoes are better cooked.

Some foods are good either raw or cooked such as tomato.

Health edit

Some people think it is healthier to eat raw food rather than cooked food, because the nutrients and vitamins are harmed when ay are cooked.

Raw food can be the problem. People who start to eat only raw foods need time to adjust air diet, because ay are used to digesting cooked foods.

Raw food can make people sick because of germs, but many people think being sick from ase germs makes you healthier.

Some people think it is better for the woman not to eat much raw food when she is pregnant, because it can make her sick. Illness from food may cause premature delivery, miscarriage, the death of the child before it is born, and severe illness or death of the child after it is born.

Other people think it is better for the woman to only eat raw food, like raw milk and raw meat, when she is pregnant, so her baby is healthy.

One disease due to the harmful bacteria is called listeriosis and is caused by the Listeria germ. To avoid the disease, some people say it is best to avoid raw milk and cheese, as well as smoked fish.