- French WikiSource Author box. (Replace Modèle:Auteur)
- Main evolvent :
- Arguments control and assistance, multilingual : en, es, fr.
- Blue arguments from Wikidata.
- Try in Victor Hugo.
- Uses Module:Auteur, Module:ControlArgs, Module:Auteur/I18N, Module:ControlArgs/I18N, Module:MathRoman
- Original destination : ...
Module:Auteur doc without args | lastname= Victor Hugo
editScript error: No such module "Auteur".
Module:Auteur normal without args | lastname= Victor Hugo
editScript error: No such module "Auteur".
Module:Auteur notice VIAF, NLA, BNF
editScript error: No such module "Auteur".
Module:Auteur normal WITH args and notices
editScript error: No such module "Auteur".
Module:Auteur tests without args
editScript error: No such module "Auteur".
Module:ControlArgs normal without args c=: docavant docligne docdef
editModule:ControlArgs tests without args c=: docavant docligne docdef
- .
- Informations from: Wikidata, template or module, other, message, error.
{{Wikidata | country = France | deathyear = 1789 | label = John Smith}}
{{ControlArgs | country = France
| c = : docavant docligne docdef
| label = John Smith
| title = John Smith
| region = india
| deathyear = 1789
| initiale = S
- User support about parameters:
⦁ Internal Error: Module missing i18n translation entityid
⦁ Error: parameter région is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: the known argument region is it the one you need ?
⦁ Error: parameter nom is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter genre is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter name is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter langue is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: the known argument language is it the one you need ?
⦁ Error: parameter description is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter occupation is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap. - Catégories : Module missing i18n translation Module with usage error Module with error
Category:Module missing i18n translationCategory:Module with usage errorCategory:Module with error
- .
- Options and their uses. Options et leur utilisation : ,
- Options linked to the mode. Options liées au mode : CA.mode_options = : tests docdata docdef docview docline docsrc docolor ,
- Options linked to the page. Options liées à la page : CA.invoke_options = : docavant docligne docdef
- Options activated or only tested. Options activées ou seulement testées. : , docdata , nobox , debug , docmin , docmax , docdef , nocat , : , noerr , docline , docolor , docview
- Comptages des contenus de tables :
Table i18n : comptes tabs=3, vars=314, funcs=0
Table wiki_translations : comptes tabs=0, vars=156, funcs=0
Table user_translations : comptes tabs=0, vars=156, funcs=0
Table args_known : comptes tabs=23, vars=166, funcs=0
Table args_wikidata : comptes tabs=0, vars=3, funcs=0
Table args_source : comptes tabs=0, vars=9, funcs=0
Table args_unknown : comptes tabs=0, vars=7, funcs=0
Table args_import : comptes tabs=0, vars=8, funcs=0
Table args_final : comptes tabs=0, vars=8, funcs=0
Table errors_list : comptes tabs=10, vars=37, funcs=0
Table categories_list : comptes tabs=3, vars=6, funcs=0
- Module, namespaces, and page names , mwtitle = Module:Auteur/doc , baseText = Auteur , nsText = Module , url =
- Module namespace : , id828 = 828 , canonicalName828 = Module , name828 = Module , displayName828 = nil
- All namespaces : , = 0 , Talk = 1 , User = 2 , User talk = 3 , Project = 4 , Project talk = 5 , File = 6 , File talk = 7 , MediaWiki = 8 , MediaWiki talk = 9 , Template = 10 , Template talk = 11 , Help = 12 , Help talk = 13 , Category = 14 , Category talk = 15 , Thread = 90 , Thread talk = 91 , Summary = 92 , Summary talk = 93 , Portal = 100 , Portal talk = 101 , Author = 102 , Author talk = 103 , Page = 104 , Page talk = 105 , Index = 106 , Index talk = 107 , Schema = 470 , Schema talk = 471 , TimedText = 710 , TimedText talk = 711 , Module = 828 , Module talk = 829 , Event = 1728 , Event talk = 1729
- date_to_part :
- Verify each value of part of date: Vérifier chaque valeur de partie de date :
Exemple | date | partie | valeur |
Socrate nais. | 470 BCE | era | BCE |
Tite-Live nais. | 59 BCE | yyyy | -59 |
Tite-Live mort. | 17 | yyyy | 17 |
vide | yyyy | ||
Révolution | 14 juillet 1789 | mmmm | juillet |
Marche sur la Lune | 20 juillet 1969 | ||
English date | July 20 1969 | yyyy | 1969 |
English date | July 20 1969 | mmmm | July |
Nelson Mandela nais. | juillet 1918 | yyyy | 1918 |
Nelson Mandela décès | 5 décembre 2013 | dd | 5 |
- Test des catégories générées par cat_add :
- Test des catégories par catGroup : , groupList = french,italian,chinese , groupList = Académiciens,Personnalités politiques
- Test catégories categories_lister :
- Catégories : fausse catégorie [[:Category:| ]] Year L'année 2000 re-nommée Year 2002 Year 2011 Speaking french Speaking italian Speaking chinese Académiciens Personnalités politiques
- Test des distances entre mots de levenshtein :
- Near arguments are proposed if differences in length and letters are 3 or less.
levenshtein : , diff = 0 , nom = nom
levenshtein : , diffmaxi = 1 >= , lev = 1 nom ==> Nom
levenshtein : , diffmaxi = 1 >= , lev = 2 top / pot
levenshtein : , diffmaxi = 1 >= , lev = 1 ami ==> amis
levenshtein : , diffmaxi = 1 >= , lev = 2 nom / name
levenshtein : , diffmaxi = 1 >= , lev = 1 m ==> mu
levenshtein : , diffmaxi = 1 >= , lev = 2 m / mur
levenshtein : , diffmaxi = 1 >= , lev = 2 mur / m
levenshtein : , diffmaxi = 1 >= , lev = 1 c ==> C
levenshtein : , diffmaxi = 1 >= , lev = 1 c ==> cf
levenshtein : , diffmaxi = 1 >= , lev = 4 c / long
levenshtein : , diffmaxi = 1 >= , lev = 3 xxx /
levenshtein : , diffmaxi = 0 >= , lev = 3 / xyz
levenshtein : , diffmaxi = 1 >= , lev = 2 xxx / xyz
levenshtein : , diffmaxi = 2 >= , lev = 3 prénom / Prenom
levenshtein : , diffmaxi = 3 >= , lev = 5 catégorie / Category
levenshtein : , diffmaxi = 4 >= , lev = 1 description ==> Description
levenshtein : , diffmaxi = 3 >= , lev = 8 anneeDeces / anneeNaissance
levenshtein : , diffmaxi = 4 >= , lev = 9 anoNacimiento / anneeNaissance
levenshtein : , diffmaxi = 4 >= , lev = 10 avant-après / après-avant
- Test des mots proches similar_args :
- Formule de calcul des mots proches : diffmaxi = 0.3 * length + 0.82
- List of diffmaxi / lengths : , 1 / 1 , 1 / 2 , 1 / 3 , 2 / 4 , 2 / 5 , 2 / 6 , 2 / 7 , 3 / 8 , 3 / 9 , 3 / 10 , 4 / 11 , 4 / 12 , 4 / 13 , 5 / 14 , 5 / 15 , 5 / 16
- List of known arguments and synonyms : , 1>mode/mode , sitelink/sitelink , c/c , label/label , lastname2>lastname/lastname , entityid/- , image/image , rights/rights , category/Category , mode/mode , deathyear/deathyear , options/options , country/country , region/region , catspace/catspace , language/language , birthyear/birthyear , title/title , initiale/initiale , firstname2>firstname/firstname , firstname/firstname , lastname/lastname , debug/debug
- Test similar arguments 1.
- similar_args_test1 : , search = anneedece , trouve1 = initiale , min1 = 7 , trouve2 = language , min2 = 7
- Test similar arguments 2.
- similar_args_test1 : , search = porte , trouve1 = mode , min1 = 3 , trouve2 = image , min2 = 4
- Content of the CA.tablim table, begin: ( , levelmaxi = 99 , max_n = 9999 , exclude1 = , exclude2 = , exclude3 = )
- Table .CA.tablim, 5 vars: string - 1 = one , string - 2 = two , string - max1 = MAX1 , string - max2 = MAX2 , string - max3 = MAX3 ,
- Table .CA.tablim, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.tablim, 3 tables: life, comfort, house,
- Table, 2 vars: string - vegetal = carot , string - animal = dog ,
- Table, 0 functions:
- Table, 1 tables: animals,
- Table, 1 vars: string - 1 = turtle ,
- Table, 0 functions:
- Table, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.tablim.comfort, 2 vars: string - 1 = tv , string - mobile = car ,
- Table .CA.tablim.comfort, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.tablim.comfort, 0 tables:
- Table, 2 vars: string - 1 = kitcheen , string - 2 = bedroom ,
- Table, 0 functions:
- Table, 1 tables: garden,
- Table, 2 vars: string - flower = rose , string - nature = river ,
- Table, 0 functions:
- Table, 0 tables:
- Content of the CA.tablim table, end: 14 variables, 0 functions, 5 sub-tables.
- Content of the CA.tablim table, begin: ( , levelmaxi = 2 , max_n = 2 , exclude1 = hou , exclude2 = , exclude3 = )
- Table .CA.tablim Length limit max_n = 2
- Table .CA.tablim, 4 vars: string - 1 = one , string - 2 = two , string - max1 = MAX1 , string - max2 = MAX2 ,
- Table .CA.tablim, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.tablim, 2 tables: life, comfort, Level limit levelmaxi = 2
- Table, 0 vars:
- Table, 0 functions:
- Table, 1 tables: animals,
- Table .CA.tablim.comfort, 2 vars: string - 1 = tv , string - mobile = car ,
- Table .CA.tablim.comfort, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.tablim.comfort, 0 tables:
- Content of the CA.tablim table, end: 6 variables, 0 functions, 2 sub-tables.
- Content of the CA.args_source table, begin: ( , levelmaxi = 99 , max_n = 9999 , exclude1 = , exclude2 = , exclude3 = )
- Table .CA.args_source, 9 vars: string - région = chine , string - c = : docavant docligne docdef , string - region = india , string - nom = Victor Hugo , string - genre = Romanciers,Poètes,Auteurs de théatre , string - name = Jack Smith , string - langue = français,japonais , string - occupation = Académiciens,Personnalités politiques , string - description = Victor Hugo est très connu. ,
- Table .CA.args_source, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_source, 0 tables:
- Content of the CA.args_source table, end: 9 variables, 0 functions, 0 sub-tables.
- Content of the CA.args_unknown table, begin: ( , levelmaxi = 99 , max_n = 9999 , exclude1 = , exclude2 = , exclude3 = )
- Table .CA.args_unknown, 7 vars: string - région = chine , string - nom = Victor Hugo , string - genre = Romanciers,Poètes,Auteurs de théatre , string - name = Jack Smith , string - langue = français,japonais , string - description = Victor Hugo est très connu. , string - occupation = Académiciens,Personnalités politiques ,
- Table .CA.args_unknown, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_unknown, 0 tables:
- Content of the CA.args_unknown table, end: 7 variables, 0 functions, 0 sub-tables.
- Content of the CA.args_known table, begin: ( , levelmaxi = 99 , max_n = 9999 , exclude1 = , exclude2 = , exclude3 = )
- Table .CA.args_known, 0 vars:
- Table .CA.args_known, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known, 23 tables: 1, sitelink, c, label, lastname2, entityid, image, rights, category, mode, deathyear, options, country, region, catspace, language, birthyear, title, initiale, firstname2, firstname, lastname, debug,
- Table .CA.args_known.1, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , number - syn = 1 , number - list = 1 , string - trk = n , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = mode ,
- Table .CA.args_known.1, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.1, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.sitelink, 7 vars: string - trk = n= , number - found = 0 , number - list = 2 , string - keyword = sitelink , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - prop = sitelink ,
- Table .CA.args_known.sitelink, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.sitelink, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.c, 8 vars: string - keyword = c , number - found = 1 , string - trk = n= ac , number - list = 1 , string - src = args , string - typ = opt , number - need = 0 , string - val = : docavant docligne docdef ,
- Table .CA.args_known.c, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.c, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.label, 9 vars: string - trk = n=w , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - prop = label , string - src = wd , number - list = 2 , string - keyword = label , number - found = 1 , string - val = John Smith ,
- Table .CA.args_known.label, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.label, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.lastname2, 7 vars: string - trk = n , number - found = 0 , number - syn = 1 , number - list = 2 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = lastname ,
- Table .CA.args_known.lastname2, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.lastname2, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.entityid, 7 vars: string - trk = n= , number - found = 0 , number - list = 2 , string - keyword = entityid , string - typ = dat , number - need = 2 , string - prop = entityid ,
- Table .CA.args_known.entityid, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.entityid, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.image, 7 vars: string - trk = n= , number - found = 0 , number - list = 2 , string - keyword = image , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - prop = 18 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.image, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.image, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.rights, 9 vars: string - keys_values = 70,none,50,mpf , string - trk = n= , string - arg_values = rights_values , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - prop = 275 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 1 , string - keyword = rights ,
- Table .CA.args_known.rights, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.rights, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.category, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 3 , string - typ = ctr , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = category ,
- Table .CA.args_known.category, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.category, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.mode, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 1 , string - typ = prg , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = mode ,
- Table .CA.args_known.mode, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.mode, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.deathyear, 10 vars: string - trk = n=w , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - prop = 570 , number - found = 1 , number - list = 2 , string - keyword = deathyear , string - format = year , string - src = wd , string - val = 1789 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.deathyear, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.deathyear, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.options, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 1 , string - typ = opt , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = options ,
- Table .CA.args_known.options, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.options, 0 tables:
- Table, 9 vars: string - trk = n=w , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - prop = 27 , string - src = wd , number - list = 3 , string - keyword = country , number - found = 1 , string - val = France ,
- Table, 0 functions:
- Table, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.region, 10 vars: string - keys_values = other,china,india,century , string - trk = n= am , string - arg_values = region_values , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , number - found = 1 , number - list = 2 , string - keyword = region , string - src = args , string - val = india ,
- Table .CA.args_known.region, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.region, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.catspace, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 9 , string - typ = prg , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = catspace ,
- Table .CA.args_known.catspace, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.catspace, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.language, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 3 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = language ,
- Table .CA.args_known.language, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.language, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.birthyear, 8 vars: string - trk = n= , number - found = 0 , string - format = year , number - list = 2 , string - keyword = birthyear , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - prop = 569 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.birthyear, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.birthyear, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.title, 7 vars: string - src = inter , number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= ii=2 , number - list = 2 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 2 , string - keyword = title ,
- Table .CA.args_known.title, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.title, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.initiale, 7 vars: string - src = inter , number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= i , number - list = 2 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 2 , string - keyword = initiale ,
- Table .CA.args_known.initiale, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.initiale, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.firstname2, 7 vars: string - trk = n , number - found = 0 , number - syn = 1 , number - list = 2 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = firstname ,
- Table .CA.args_known.firstname2, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.firstname2, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.firstname, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 2 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = firstname ,
- Table .CA.args_known.firstname, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.firstname, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.lastname, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 2 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = lastname ,
- Table .CA.args_known.lastname, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.lastname, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.debug, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 1 , string - typ = opt , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = debug ,
- Table .CA.args_known.debug, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.debug, 0 tables:
- Content of the CA.args_known table, end: 166 variables, 0 functions, 23 sub-tables.
- Comparer les langues : es/fr,
- Comparer les langues : fr/en,
- There are 3 tables of translations in these languages : es, fr, en,
- i18n_lister :
- This list show all the texts, but cannot replace the original declarations.
- This list show all the texts, but cannot replace the original declarations. = {
- birthyear = "año de nacimiento",
- err_unknown_argument = "Error: El parámetro %1 es desconocido en este modelo. Compruebe el nombre o marca esta brecha.",
- c = "c",
- err_no_args_lang = "Error: Módulo sin tabla argumentos trajo.",
- err_value_re_defined = "Error: el valor del argumento %1 ya se ha definido. Elige uno sólo argumento y valor.",
- err_error_list_header = "Asistencia en los parámetros del modelo en:",
- err_argv_args_name = "Error interno: en p.argv, argumento anormal %1.",
- options = "options",
- err_lang_table = "Error: La lengua %1 o su tabla es incorrecta.",
- image = "imagen",
- language = "lengua",
- err_without_translation = "Conocido argumento, pero no traducido: %1.",
- occupation_cat = "%1",
- err_wikidata_wikibase = "Error: Wikibase no está disponible.",
- deathyear = "año de la muerte",
- msg_auto_val_warning = "Verifique el argumento automático: %1 = %2.",
- i18n_list_all_texts = "Esta lista muestra todos los textos, pero no puede sustituir a las declaraciones originales.",
- err_wikidata_cat = "Error Wikidata",
- msg_auto_val_unknown = "Error interno: Argumento desconocido automático: %1 = %2.",
- args_values_err = "Valor anormal del argumento %1 = %2 a partir de: (%3) ",
- err_delete_docbox = "Esta documentación debe ser removido antes de grabar.
Retire todos los modos para volver al modo normal.",
- date_months_names = "Enero, Febrero, Marzo, Abril, Mayo, Junio, Julio, Agosto, Septiembre, Octubre, Noviembre, Diciembre",
- err_module_with_error = "Módulo con error",
- err_is_undefined = "El argumento %1:%2 no está definido.",
- err_is_defined = "El argumento %1:%2 está definido.",
- cat_test_OK = "Prueba de la generación de categoría está bien",
- title = "titulo",
- err_need_value = "Error: Este argumento es necesario pero ausente : %1. Debe definir.",
- structured_data_txt = "Datos estructurados.",
- list_limit_max_n = "Límite de la lista max_n=%1",
- list_limit_levelmaxi = "Límite de la lista levelmaxi=%1",
- err_without_translation_N = "Hay %1 argumentos sin traducir.",
- firstname = "apellido",
- err_too_unnamed_arguments = "Error: Demasiados argumentos sin nombre ( %1 ).",
- err_module_miss_i18n_cat = "Módulo faltante traducción i18n",
- err_lang_not_exist = "Error: La lengua %1 no se una lengua en los wikipedias.",
- catspace = "catespacio",
- err_wikidata_property = "Error: Propiedad Wikidata %1 no se encuentra.",
- err_none_value = "Error: Ningún argumento ha sido definido.",
- initiale = "inicial",
- err_module_i18n_miss_trans = "Error interno: Tabla i18n tiene sólo 1% traducciones.",
- err_no_args_known = "Error: Módulo sin tabla argumentos conocidos.",
- cat_name_number = "Año %1",
- category = "Categoría",
- genre_cat = "%1",
- err_lang_table_cat = "Error: Idioma argumentos erróneos",
- languages_nbr_and_list = "
- Hay %1 mesas de traducciones en estas idiomas: %2
- err_module_miss_i18n_arg = "Error interno: el argumento %1 falta en traducción i18n.",
- language_cat = "Habla %1",
- date_to_part_err_not_found = "Internal Error: No part found in date %1.",
- err_argv_args_src = "Error interno: en p.argv, tabla de los argumentos que faltan.",
- err_wikidata_getEntity = "Error: Elemento Wikidata %1 no se encuentra.",
- err_argv_args_miss = "Error interno: en p.argv, falta argumento %1.",
- cat_internal_error = "Módulo con error interno",
- date_to_part_format = " dd yyyy mmmm",
- err_nearest_argument = "Error: la %1 argumento conocido es el que necesita?",
- err_module_miss_i18n_res = "Error interno: Hay 1% lagunas en %2 traducciones.",
- sources_of_datas = "Informacións de: /Wikidata, /modelo o módulo, /otros, /mensaje, /error",
- cat_usage_error = "Módulo con error del uso",
- err_no_args_source = "Error: Módulo sin tabla argumentos fuentes.",
- date_to_part_call_err = "Internal Error: Abnormal calling arguments in date %1.",
- date_to_part_call_cat = "Module with internal error",
- lastname = "nombre",
- err_internal_notice_wsid = "Error interno: Notificar al promotor que el argumento interno %1 es desconocida en los registros.",
} = {
- err_module_i18n_miss_trans = "Erreur interne : La table i18n n'a que %1 traductions.",
- c = "c",
- languages_nbr_and_list = "
- Il y a %1 tables de traductions dans ces langues : %2
- err_error_list_header = "Assistance sur les paramètres de ce modèle :",
- err_no_wiki_translations = "Erreur interne : Module sans table d'arguments traduits.",
- err_lang_table = "Erreur : La langue %1 ou sa table est erronée.",
- date_to_part_call_cat = "Module with internal error",
- rights = "droits",
- err_no_known_arguments = "Erreur interne : Module sans table d'arguments connus.",
- err_wikidata_error = "Erreur Wikidata : %1 ",
- deathyear = "anneeDeces",
- err_unknown_argument = "Erreur : Le paramètre %1 est inconnu dans ce modèle. Vérifier ce nom ou signaler ce manque.",
- debug = "debug",
- date_months_names = "Janvier, Février, Mars, Avril, Mai, Juin, Juillet, Août, Septembre, Octobre, Novembre, Décembre",
- err_is_undefined = "L'argument %1:%2 n'est pas défini.",
- cat_test_OK = "Test de génération de catégorie OK.",
- title = "titre",
- err_nearest_argument = "Erreur: L'argument connu %1 est-il celui que vous voulez ?",
- err_too_unnamed_arguments = "Erreur : Trop de paramètres non nommés ( %1 ).",
- err_module_miss_i18n_mini = "Erreur interne : La table i18n n'a que %1 traductions.",
- err_generDoc1_paramName = "Erreur interne : en generDoc1, mauvais argument %1.",
- err_lang_not_translated = "Erreur : La langue %1 n'est pas traduite.",
- err_module_miss_i18n = "Erreur interne : manque de traduction pour %1 ",
- mode = "mode",
- err_module_miss_i18n_arg = "Erreur interne : l'argument %1 manque de traduction i18n.",
- rights_values = "70,50,mpf,non",
- country = "pays",
- err_without_translation_N = "Il y a %1 arguments non traduits.",
- date_to_part_format = " dd yyyy mmmm",
- sources_of_datas = "Informations de : /Wikidata, /modèle ou module, /autres, /message, /erreur",
- cat_no_source_arguments = "Module avec erreur interne",
- err_internal_notice_wsid = "Erreur interne : Signalez au developpeur que l'argument interne %1 est inconnu dans les notices.",
- err_module_with_error = "Module avec erreur",
- sitelink = "sitelink",
- cat_usage_error = "Module avec erreur d'utilisation",
- 1 = "1",
- err_value_re_defined = "Erreur : La valeur de l'argument %1 est déjà définie. Choisir un seul argument et une seule valeur.",
- err_module_miss_i18n_res = "Erreur interne : Il y a %1 manques parmi %2 traductions.",
- list_limit_max_n = "Limite de liste max_n=%1",
- image = "image",
- err_no_args_wikidata = "Erreur interne : Module sans table d'arguments wikidata.",
- err_assist_user_param = "Support aux utilisateurs pour vérifier les paramètres :",
- occupation_cat = "%1",
- list_limit_levelmaxi = "Limite de liste levelmaxi=%1",
- err_argv_args_miss = "Erreur interne : en p.argv, argument absent %1.",
- msg_auto_val_warning = "Vérifiez l'argument automatique : %1 = %2.",
- 1 = "1",
- language = "langue",
- options = "options",
- region = "région",
- err_delete_docbox = "Cette documentation doit être supprimée avant d'enregistrer.
Supprimez tous les modes pour revenir en mode normal.",
- err_no_args_source = "Erreur : Module sans table d'arguments sources.",
- err_no_args_lang = "Erreur : Module sans table d'arguments traduits.",
- err_argv_args_src = "Erreur interne : en p.argv, table d'arguments absente.",
- err_is_defined = "L'argument %1:%2 est défini.",
- args_values_err = "Valeur anormale de l'argument %1 = %2 parmi : (%3) ",
- region_values = "autre,chine,inde,siècle",
- max_nearest_argument = "3",
- structured_data_txt = "Données structurées.",
- cat_name_number = "Année %1",
- language_cat = "Parle %1",
- genre_cat = "%1",
- firstname = "prénom",
- err_no_args_known = "Erreur : Module sans table d'arguments connus.",
- birthyear = "anneeNaissance",
- label = "label",
- catspace = "catspace",
- err_wikidata_property = "Erreur : La propriété %1 de Wikidata n'est pas trouvé.",
- err_none_value = "Erreur : Aucun argument n'a été défini.",
- initiale = "initiale",
- lastname = "nom",
- err_argv_args_name = "Erreur interne : en p.argv, argument anormal %1.",
- err_wikidata_cat = "Erreur Wikidata",
- category = "Category",
- date_to_part_call_err = "Internal Error: Abnormal calling arguments in date %1.",
- err_no_source_arguments = "Erreur interne : Module sans table d'arguments sources.",
- table_listlimit_levelmaxi = "Limite de niveau levelmaxi = %1 ",
- msg_auto_val_unknown = "Erreur interne: Argument automatique inconnu : %1 = %2.",
- cat_no_known_arguments = "Module avec erreur interne",
- date_to_part_err_not_found = "Internal Error: No part found in date %1.",
- err_lang_not_exist = "Erreur : La langue %1 n'est pas une des langues des wikipedias.",
- err_wikidata_getEntity = "Erreur : L'élément %1 de Wikidata n'est pas trouvé.",
- err_lang_table_cat = "Erreur : Langue d'arguments erronée",
- cat_internal_error = "Module avec erreur interne",
- i18n_list_all_texts = "Cette liste montre tous les textes, mais ne peut remplacer les déclarations originales.",
- err_module_miss_i18n_cat = "Module manquant de traduction i18n",
- err_module_miss_i18n_count = "Erreur interne : Il y a %1 manques parmi %2 traductions.",
- err_module_miss_i18n_txt = "Erreur interne : Le texte %1 manque de traduction en langue %2, et/ou d'autres.",
- table_listlimit_max_n = "Limite de longueur max_n = %1 ",
- err_without_translation = "Argument connu, mais non traduit : %1.",
- max_nearest_argument_msg = "Des arguments proches sont proposés jusqu'à %1 différences de lettres.",
- err_wikidata_getElement = "Erreur : L'élément %1 de Wikidata n'est pas trouvé.",
- err_wikidata_wikibase = "Erreur : Wikibase n'est pas disponible.",
- err_need_value = "Erreur : Cet argument est nécessaire mais absent : %1. Il faut le définir.",
p.i18n.en = {
- 1 = "1",
- authors_deathyear = "Death in %1",
- languages_nbr_and_list = "
- There are %1 tables of translations in these languages : %2
- NLA = "NLA",
- DNB = "DNB",
- date_to_part_call_cat = "Module with internal error",
- rights = "rights",
- err_no_known_arguments = "Module without known arguments table.",
- deathyear = "deathyear",
- date_months_names = "January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December",
- err_unknown_epoch_cat = "Unknown epoch",
- err_is_undefined = "The argument %1:%2 is not defined.",
- cat_test_OK = "Test category generation OK",
- err_nearest_argument = "Error: the known argument %1 is it the one you need ?",
- err_module_miss_i18n_cat = "Module missing i18n translation",
- cat_epoch_antiquity = "Author of antiquity",
- ARCitem = "ARCitem",
- mode = "mode",
- authors_initiale = "Authors-%1",
- GKD_V1 = "GKD_V1",
- rights_values = "70,50,mpf,none",
- date_to_part_format = " dd yyyy mmmm",
- err_module_error = "Module error",
- PND = "PND",
- ULAN = "ULAN",
- cat_no_source_arguments = "Module with internal error",
- cat_usage_error = "Module with usage error",
- err_wikidata_getElement = "Error: Element Wikidata %1 is not found.",
- err_no_args_wikidata = "Error: Module without wikidata arguments table.",
- err_assist_user_param = "User support for checking the settings:",
- occupation_cat = "%1",
- err_argv_args_miss = "Internal Error: in p.argv, missing argument %1.",
- ISFDBtitle = "ISFDBtitle",
- 1 = "1",
- author_Scans = "Scans in",
- err_is_defined = "The argument %1:%2 is defined.",
- max_nearest_argument = "3",
- structured_data_txt = "Structured datas.",
- cat_epoch_china_empires = "Author of Chinese empires",
- firstname = "firstname",
- IBLbook = "IBLbook",
- catspace = "catspace",
- err_none_value = "Error: No argument has been defined.",
- initiale = "initiale",
- category = "Category",
- ARC = "ARC",
- table_listlimit_levelmaxi = "Level limit levelmaxi = %1 ",
- err_life_too_long_cat = "Life of author is too long",
- date_to_part_err_not_found = "Internal Error: No part found in date %1.",
- err_wikidata_getEntity = "Error: getEntity Wikidata is not available.",
- err_module_miss_i18n_count = "Internal Error: There are %1 missings in %2 translations.",
- err_without_translation = "Known argument, but not translated: %1.",
- max_nearest_argument_msg = "Near arguments are proposed if differences in length and letters are %1 or less.",
- err_module_i18n_miss_trans = "Error: I18n table has only 1% translations.",
- ARCorg = "ARCorg",
- c = "c",
- list_limit_max_n = "List limit max_n=%1",
- err_lang_table = "Error: The %1 language or its table is incorrect.",
- ARCid = "ARCid",
- err_wikidata_error = "Error Wikidata: %1 ",
- err_unknown_argument = "Error: parameter %1 is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.",
- msg_auto_val_unknown = "Internal Error: Unknown automatic argument: %1 = %2.",
- authors_birthyear = "Born in %1",
- century_BEC = "%1 th century BEC",
- cat_epoch_century_BEC = "Born in the %1 th century BEC",
- title = "title",
- cat_epoch_middle_age = "Author of Middle Ages",
- err_module_miss_i18n_mini = "Error: I18n table has only 1% translations.",
- err_generDoc1_paramName = "Internal Error: in generDoc1, bad argument %1.",
- err_lang_not_translated = "Error: The language %1 is not translated.",
- ISBN = "ISBN",
- genre_cat = "%1",
- err_lang_table_cat = "Error: Erroneous language arguments",
- err_module_miss_i18n_arg = "Internal Error: argument %1 misses in i18n translation.",
- country = "country",
- ISFDBpub = "ISFDBpub",
- err_without_translation_N = "There are %1 arguments untranslated.",
- LT = "LT",
- cat_epoch_china_antiquity = "Author of Chinese antiquity",
- cat_epoch_china_springs = "Author of Springs and Autumns",
- sources_of_datas = "Informations from: /Wikidata, /template or module, /other, /message, /error",
- SWD = "SWD",
- XXX = "XXX",
- OL = "OL",
- err_module_miss_i18n_res = "Error: There are %1 missings in %2 translations.",
- list_limit_levelmaxi = "List limit levelmaxi=%1",
- err_internal_notice_wsid = "Internal Error: Notify the developer that the internal argument %1 is unknown in the records.",
- err_module_with_error = "Module with error",
- sitelink = "sitelink",
- VIAF = "VIAF",
- limit_cat_birth_death = "Limit the years of categories "Births in" and "Death in".",
- LCCN = "LCCN",
- err_wikidata_wikibase = "Error: Wikibase is not available.",
- OCLC = "OCLC",
- ISFDBid = "ISFDBid",
- err_death_before_birth_cat = "Author death is before birth.",
- image = "image",
- err_life_too_long = "Life is too long from %1 to %2.",
- err_vague_epoch = "Uncertain times.",
- region_values = "other,china,india,century",
- err_lang_not_exist = "Error: The language %1 is not one of wikipedias.",
- debug = "debug",
- msg_auto_val_warning = "Verify the automatic argument: %1 = %2.",
- i18n_list_all_texts = "This list show all the texts, but cannot replace the original declarations.",
- cat_epoch_indian_indus = "Author of Indus civilisation",
- options = "options",
- region = "region",
- err_delete_docbox = "This documentation must be removed before recording.
Remove all modes to return to normal mode.",
- ARCsub = "ARCsub",
- BNF = "BNF",
- err_argv_args_src = "Internal Error: in p.argv, arguments table is missing.",
- err_no_args_lang = "Error: Module without translated arguments table.",
- cat_name_number = "Year %1",
- cat_epoch_indian_antiquity = "Author of Indian antiquity",
- err_argv_args_name = "Internal Error: in p.argv, abnormal argument %1.",
- list_limit_maxn = "Structure limit maxn=%1",
- err_error_list_header = "User support about parameters:",
- err_no_wiki_translations = "Error: Module without translated arguments table.",
- err_death_before_birth = "Error: death %1 is before birth %2.",
- table_listlimit_max_n = "Length limit max_n = %1 ",
- err_no_args_known = "Error: Module without known arguments table.",
- IBL = "IBL",
- label = "label",
- author_Notices = "Notices",
- err_wikidata_property = "Error: Wikidata property %1 is not found.",
- IBLid = "IBLid",
- GKD = "GKD",
- err_vague_year = "Uncertain year.",
- cat_epoch_indian_muslim = "Author of Indo-Muslim period",
- err_wikidata_cat = "Error Wikidata",
- century_EC = "%1 th century",
- cat_epoch_century_EC = "Born in the %1 th century",
- err_too_unnamed_arguments = "Error: Too many unnamed arguments ( %1 ).",
- IA = "IA",
- lastname = "lastname",
- language_cat = "Speaking %1",
- birthyear = "birthyear",
- err_module_miss_i18n_txt = "Internal Error: The text %1 lack of translation in %2 language, and/or others.",
- err_year_in_roman_number = "Ambiguity: the year %1 is in roman numerals. Do you want define a century ?",
- err_one_number_argument = "Error: In parameter %1, enter a single number between -5000 and now.",
- cat_internal_error = "Module with internal error",
- err_module_miss_i18n = "Internal Error: Module missing i18n translation %1 ",
- err_no_source_arguments = "Internal Error: Module without source arguments table.",
- language = "language",
- authors_authors = "Authors",
- args_values_err = "Abnormal value of the argument %1 = %2 among: (%3) ",
- err_no_args_source = "Error: Module without source arguments table.",
- err_need_value = "Error: This argument is required but absent : %1. Should define it.",
- err_value_re_defined = "Error: the value of the argument %1 is already defined. Choose only one argument and value.",
- cat_no_known_arguments = "Module with internal error",
- date_to_part_call_err = "Internal Error: Abnormal calling arguments in date %1.",
- dummy_languages : , isTag = isKnownLanguageTag(xx) , isLang = isSupportedLanguage(xx) , isBuilt = isValidBuiltInCode(xx)
- , lang = es , isTag = true , isLang = true , langname = Spanish , native = español
- , lang = sgs , isTag = true , isLang = true , langname = Samogitian , native = žemaitėška
- , lang = fr , isTag = true , isLang = true , langname = French , native = français
- , lang = gsw , isTag = true , isLang = true , langname = Alemannic , native = Alemannisch
- , lang = en , isTag = true , isLang = true , langname = English , native = English
- , lang = als , isTag = true , isLang = nil , langname = Alemannic , native = Alemannisch
- , lang = bat-smg , isTag = true , isLang = nil , langname = Samogitian , native = žemaitėška
- , lang = Fr , isTag = nil , isLang = nil , langname = French , native = français
- Execution and test time : 2024-11-30 06:24:49 UTC , url = ,
start = 11 mS , import + 8 mS , generate page + 0 mS , tests + 32 mS , total = 53 mS
This is the documentation page for Module:Auteur