You is the second person English pronoun. The word is singular and plural. "You" is what the person says when he or she is addressing another person, in second person.
For example:
- Do you speak English?
- How are you doing?
- What are you doing here?!
Examples in other languages:
- Dutch (Nederlands): jij/je (singular informal), u (formal)
- Esperanto: vi
- Finnish (Suomi): sinä, te
- French (Français): tu (singular informal), vous (formal or plural)
- German (Deutsch): du, Sie
- Hindi: tû, tûm, âp
- Hungarian (Magyar): te
- Icelandic (Íslensku): þú
- Ido: vu, vi, tu, ti
- Italian: tu, ti, te, voi, vi, ve, lei, gli, le
- Japanese (Nihon-go): anata, omae, kimi, anatatachi, kimitachi
- Korea (한글): 너 (informal), 당신 (formal)
- Latvian: tu, Jûs
- Lithuanian (Lietu,vis^kai): tu, Jûs
- Mandarin Chinese (Zhongwen): 你 (nǐ, singular), 你们 (nǐmen, plural)
- Norwegian (Norsk): du, De
- Portuguese (Português): tu, você, vós, vocês
- Russsian (русский язык): ты (ty), вы (vy)
- Spanish (Español): tú, vosotros, Usted, Ustedes, etc.
- Swedish (Svenska): du, ni
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