This is a sample profile intended for creating output SVGs by replacing colors in an existing SVG and/or creating new SVG color schemes from numerical data. The scheme transitions in 8 segments:
- 000000 - FF0000 (1): Black to red
- FF0000 - FFAA00 (2): Red to orange (subsegments x2 expanded relative the others)
- FFAA00 - FFFF00 (3): Orange to yellow (x2 expanded)
- FFFF00 - 00FF00 (4): Yellow to green
- 00FF00 - 00FFFF (5): Green to cyan
- 00FFFF - 0000FF (6): Cyan to blue
- 0000FF - FF00FF (7): Blue to purple
- FF00FF - FFFFFF (8): Purple to white
- Values at 000000, FFFFFF reserved for non data range uses.
- Range FF0000 - FFFF00 doubled in value to accommodate the subjective importance of "orange"; thus there are 8 segments.
- Subsegments with low values look a lot alike, so 0..8 will be doubled up - making subdivisions 0,2,4,6,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F (12 subdivisions x 8 segments = 96 segments along the zigzag in color space)
00FF00 -- absurd: if only one data range allowed make it all green; for completeness
editFFDD00 -- 96/3 = 32 = 4 subsegments less than 3 segments, but the DD-FF is doubled (orange rule) 00BBFF -- Near symmetry is due to an extra color at the end (purple) versus a double-wide segment (orange)
editFFAA00 -- 96/4 = 24 = 2 segments 00FF00 0000FF
editFF8000 -- 96/5 ca. 19 = 1 segment + 7 subsegments/2=3.5 ss EEFF00 -- ca. 38 = 3s + 2ss 00FFEE -- ca. 58 = 5s - 2ss 9900FF -- ca. 77 = 6s + 5ss
editFF4400 -- 96/6 = 16 = 1 s + 4 ss/2 = 2ss FFDD00 -- 32 = 2s + 8ss 00FF00 -- 48 = 4s 00CCFF -- 64 = 5s + 4ss CC00FF -- 80 = 6s + 8ss
editFF1100 -- 96/7 = about 14 = 1s+2ss FFDD00 -- 27 = 2s+3ss BBFF00 -- 41 = 3s+5ss 00FFBB -- 55 = 5s-5ss 0066FF -- 69 = 6s-3ss DD00FF -- 82 = 7s-2ss
editFF0000 -- 96/8 = 1 segment (double resolution of 3) FFAA00 FFFF00 00FF00 00FFFF 0000FF FF00FF
editDD0000 FF8800 FFDD00 -- 96/9 = ca. 10 subsegments each (matching 2) 99FF00 00FFDD 00BBFF 8800FF FF22FF