
\n(.*?)\n} $oconts -- oldlist

puts $oldlist set newlist "\n"

foreach project $lproject { puts \n\n lassign {} oldlist loldlist set project [join $project] puts $project set oconts [conts t $project x] regexp -- {\n(.*?)\n} $oconts loldlist oldlist puts $oldlist puts $loldlist if ![empty oldlist] { puts [edit $project {Bot: Reset NeueArtikel aufgrund Prozessfehler, NeueArtikel werden im nächsten Schritt wieder eingetragen} [string map [list $loldlist $newlist] $oconts] / minor] } if {[incr zz] < 10} {gets stdin} }


foreach line [split $rc \n] { lappend lline [dict values [regexp -inline -- {contributions-title" title\="(.*?)"\>} $line]] }

save_file test4e.out [join $lline \n]


set ls [split $rc \n]

  1. save_file test4a.out $ls

foreach {1 2 3 4 5 6 7} $ls { lappend lincr [incr zzzz]:$1|$2|$3|$4|$5|$6|$7

  1. if {$zzzz == 10} {exit}


save_file test4b.out [join $lincr \n]


read_file contribtool0.out c

  1. puts $c

set url0 set urld set userd

foreach line [split $c \n] { set line [string map [list $url0 $urld] $line] input oldid "\noldid: " input user "user: " regsub -all -- {oldid=\d{9}} $line "oldid=$oldid" line if ![empty user] { regsub -- {\[\[:user:Doc Taxon\|Doc Taxon\]\]} $line "\[$userd$user $user\]" line } puts \n$line lappend lline $line }

puts [join $lline \n] append_file contribtool0.out [join $lline \n]


set summ {Bot: Parameterkorrektur: Vorlage:Unsigniert ist ohne Signatur zu verwenden; diese aufgrund Problemen bezüglich H:LINT entfernt} set summ1 {Parameterkorrektur: Vorlage:Unsigniert ist ohne Signatur zu verwenden; diese aufgrund Problemen bezüglich H:LINT entfernt}

read_file test4.db t

set lt [split $t \n]

foreach t $lt { if {[string first \[ $t] > -1} {lappend lc $t} }

set offset 0 set llc [llength $lc] foreach c $lc { puts \n\n[incr i]:$llc puts ====\n[lindex $c 0]:

  1. puts [lindex $c end]\n

if {[lindex $c 0] ne {Wikipedia:Löschkandidaten/10. Juli 2019}} {if !$offset {continue}} else {set offset 1} set conts [conts t [lindex $c 0] x] ; set nconts $conts foreach typetempl [lindex $c end] { foreach templ $typetempl { if {[string first \[ $templ] > -1 && [regexp -all \} $templ] > 3} {

  1. puts [regexp -all -inline -line -nocase {\{\{[ ]?unsigniert.*?\}\}} $templ]
  2. puts [regexp -all -inline -line -nocase {\{\{[ ]?unsigned.*?\}\}} $templ]
  3. puts [regexp -all -inline -line -nocase {\{\{[ ]?nicht unterschrieben.*?\}\}} $templ]

puts $templ input templ "\nTemplate: " if [empty templ] {continue} set ptempl [parse_templ $templ] puts $ptempl dict with ptempl { set ntempl $TEMPLATE append ntempl |$1 catch {if {[string first \[\[ $2] == -1} {append ntempl |$2}} catch {if {[string first \[\[ $3] == -1} {append ntempl |$3}} catch {if {[string first \[\[ $ALT] == -1} {append ntempl |ALT=$ALT}} set ntempl [format {{{%s}}} $ntempl] puts $ntempl set nconts [string map [list $templ $ntempl] $nconts] unset -nocomplain TEMPLATE 1 2 3 ALT templ ptempl ntempl } } } } if {$nconts ne $conts} { set out [edit [lindex $c 0] $summ $nconts / minor] puts $out if {{protectedpage} in [split $out]} { source api2.tcl ; set lang de1 ; source langwiki.tcl ; #set token [login $wiki] puts [edit [lindex $c 0] $summ1 $nconts / minor] after 5000 source api.tcl ; set lang de ; source langwiki.tcl ; #set token [login $wiki] }

  1. gets stdin

} }

  1. puts [llength $lc]
  2. puts $ic


set ltempl [template1 Vorlage:Unsigniert x] puts $ltempl puts [set lenltempl [llength $ltempl]]

foreach templ $ltempl { puts "\n[incr i]/$lenltempl: $templ" set c [conts t $templ x] append_file test4.db [list $templ [list [ regexp -all -inline -line -nocase {\{\{[ ]?unsigniert.*?\}\}} $c ] [ regexp -all -inline -line -nocase {\{\{[ ]?unsigned.*?\}\}} $c ] [ regexp -all -inline -line -nocase {\{\{[ ]?nicht unterschrieben.*?\}\}} $c ]]] }


set lpt [lsort [insource {\{\{!-\}\}|\{\{\(!\}\}|\{\{!\)\}\}|\{\{!!\}\}/} 4]] puts $lpt puts [llength $lpt]

foreach pt $lpt { if {$pt in {{Wikipedia:WikiProjekt Vorlagen/Werkstatt} {Wikipedia:Administratoren/Anfragen}}} {continue} if {[string first /Archiv $pt] > -1} {continue} puts $pt set oc [conts t $pt x] set nc [string trim [string map [list {{{!-}}} {|-} \n\{\{\(!\}\} \n\{\{\{!\}\} \{\{\(!\}\} \n\{\{\{!\}\} \{\{!\)\}\} \{\{!\}\}\} {{{!!}}} {||}] $oc]] puts [edit $pt {Ersetzung der obsoleten Vorlagen |-,

  1. if {[incr i] < 10} {gets stdin}
after 15000 incr a if {$a in {2 4 7 8}} { after 15000 } elseif {$a in {1 5 9}} { after 30000 } elseif {$a in {3 6 0}} { after 45000 } } exit puts [mysqlsel $db {select page_title from page join templatelinks on page_id = tl_from where page_namespace = 10 and tl_title = '!-';} -flatlist] exit set test4db [read [set f [open test4.db r]]] ; close $f set test4db [lrange [lreverse [split $test4db \n]] 1 end] foreach item $test4db { regexp -- {(2.*?) \(Versionen\)} $item -- itempart lappend ditem [list timestamp [lindex $itempart 0] title [lrange $itempart 1 end]] } foreach d $ditem { dict with d { if [catch {backlinks $title 100}] {puts $timestamp:$title\n[conts t $title x]} } } exit exit set lpt [dcat list Titularbistum 0] foreach pt $lpt { set lrex [dict values [regexp -all -inline -nocase -- {(\[\[Kategorie:Titularerz.*?\]\])} [set oc [conts t $pt x]]]] puts $pt:$lrex:[llength $lrex] if {[llength $lrex] == 1 && [string first | $lrex] == -1} { set ncat [string map [list \]\] |[lrange $pt 1 end]\]\]] $lrex] puts $ncat set nc [string map [list [join $lrex] [join $ncat]] $oc] puts [edit $pt {Bot: Sortierung im Kategoriebaum Titularbistum} $nc / minor]\n } } exit if 0 { set olrc {} while 1 { while 1 { if ![catch { set lrc [get [post $wiki {*}$query {*}$format / list recentchanges / rcnamespace 0 / rcprop timestamp|title|ids|user|comment / rclimit 500] query recentchanges] }] {break} } if {$lrc ne $olrc} { foreach rc [lreverse $lrc] { if {$rc ni $olrc} {
  1. puts \n
[6~# puts $rc dict with rc { lappend rcline pageid $pageid ns $ns title $title revid $revid parentid $old_revid user $user timestamp $timestamp comment $comment }
  1. puts $rcline
set ts [split $timestamp -T] set ts [lindex $ts 0][lindex $ts 1][lindex $ts 2] if {$ts == [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y%m%d]} { set f [open rc/rc$ts.db a] ; puts $f $rcline ; close $f } set rcline {} } } set olrc $lrc } else { continue } } exit cont {ret1 { puts ----[incr xyz] foreach item [get $ret1 query recentchanges] { puts $item } }} {*}$query {*}$format / list recentchanges / rclimit 10 exit } set conts [conts t {Liste von Vornamen/M} x] set llink [lrange [dict values [regexp -all -inline -- {\[\[(.*?)\]\]} $conts]] 1 end-1] foreach name $llink { if {[string first | $name] > -1} { lappend lname [lindex [split $name |] 1] } else { lappend lname $name } } foreach name $lname {
  1. set name {Elaine Aron}
set name "Julia $name Bracken"
  1. puts $name:
set html [getHTML'[join $name +]']
  1. puts $html ; gets stdin
  2. if [catch {
  3. set xml [[[dom parse -html [encoding convertfrom $html]] documentElement] asList]
  4. }] {puts Fehler ; continue}
set rex [regexp -all -- "$name" $html]
  1. puts $rex
if {$rex >= 4} {puts $name:$rex} } exit set c4 [conts t Benutzer:AsuraBot/Purges 4] set ll4 [dict values [regexp -all -inline -line -- {^\* \[\[[:]?(.*?)[|\]].*$} $c4]] set lpid {} foreach l4 $ll4 { lappend lpid [scat [join $l4] -14] } lassign {} plpid lplpid foreach pid [join $lpid] { incr i lappend plpid $pid if {$i == 500} { lappend lplpid $plpid lassign {0 {}} i plpid } } lappend lplpid $plpid set f [open test3.out w] foreach plpid $lplpid { puts $f [get [post $wiki {*}$format / action purge / pageids [join $plpid |] / forcelinkupdate 1]] } close $f </source> -->