
regexp -- {.*} $oneconts one set nneconts [string map [list $one $mbqsw\n$fdblock\n$mbqsw] $nneconts] if {$nneconts ne $oneconts} { puts [edit "$wplk/Nicht eingetragen" "Bot: QSWORKLIST: [tdot $fdcount]" $nneconts / minor] } exit } mysqlclose $db puts $llkpgid ; gets stdin }


set lktitle [sql -> [string trimleft [dnstons $lkns]:$lktitle :]] puts [incr i]:$lktitle regexp -line -- {\{\{Löschantragstext\|tag=(\d{1,2})\|monat=(.*?)\|jahr=(\d{4})\|titel=(.*?)\|text=} [conts t $lktitle x] -- lkday lkmonth lkyear lklink set lkpage "$wplk/$lkday. $lkmonth $lkyear" lappend lfdkat "* \[\[:$lktitle\]\] (\[\[$lkpage#$lklink|[[$lkpage]]\]\])" } puts [join $lfdkat \n] puts [edit Benutzerin:TaxonBota/Test {} [join $lfdkat \n]] exit

regexp -- {.*fzbot#ade} [conts t $wplk x] cwplk set llkpage [dict values [regexp -inline -line -all -- {^\* (?:)?\[\[/(.*?)\|.*} $cwplk]] foreach lkpage $llkpage { puts $wplk/$lkpage set slkpage [split [conts t $wplk/$lkpage x] \n] foreach line $slkpage { if {![string first = $line] && ![blcheck $line]} { set bltitle {} set bltitle [bltitle $line] if ![empty bltitle] {lappend llktitle $bltitle} } } } set llktitle [lsort -unique $llktitle] foreach lktitle $llktitle { puts [incr i]:$lktitle } set lwplktns [mysqlsel $db { select page_title, page_namespace from page join categorylinks on cl_from = page_id where page_namespace != 14 and (cl_to = 'Wikipedia:Löschkandidat' or cl_to like 'Wikipedia:Löschkandidat/%')

} -list]

foreach wplktns [lsort -unique $lwplktns] { lappend clktitle [string trimleft [dnstons [lindex $wplktns 1]]:[sql -> [lindex $wplktns 0]] :] } foreach lktitle $clktitle { puts [incr j]:$lktitle } foreach lktitle $clktitle { if {$lktitle ni $llktitle} { puts $lktitle set dlkdata [lrange [split [regexp -inline -- {\{\{Löschantragstext.*?\}\}} [conts t $lktitle x]] |=] 1 8] puts $dlkdata

} } exit

  1. puts [getHTML]

set f [open adt.db w] ; close $f mysqlreceive $db { select page_title from page join templatelinks on tl_from = page_id where !page_namespace and !tl_from_namespace and tl_namespace = 10 and tl_title in ('Lesenswert','Exzellent') order by page_title

} pt {

lappend lpt $pt } foreach pt $lpt { catch { if {[string first $argv [conts t $pt x]] > -1} { puts [incr i]:$pt set f [open adt.db a] ; puts $f $i:$pt ; close $f } } }


set einl [conts t {Wikipedia:Kempten und Allgäu/Einladung} x] set cluser {'Benutzer:aus_dem_Allgäu','Benutzer:aus_Oberschwaben','Benutzer:aus_Augsburg','Benutzer:aus_Ulm','Benutzer:aus_Neu-Ulm'} append cluser ,[dcat sql Benutzer:aus_dem_Allgäu 14] append cluser ,[dcat sql Benutzer:aus_Oberschwaben 14] append cluser ,[dcat sql Benutzer:aus_Augsburg 14] append cluser ,[dcat sql Benutzer:aus_Ulm 14] append cluser ,[dcat sql Benutzer:aus_Neu-Ulm 14]

  1. lappend cluser $luser1 $luser2 $luser3 $luser4 $luser5
  2. set cluser [join $cluser]

set cluser [string trim $cluser ,] mysqlreceive $db " select page_title from page join categorylinks on cl_from = page_id where page_namespace in (2,3) and cl_to in ([join $cluser ,]) order by page_title

" pt {

if {$pt eq {Bene16/Baustelle_11}} { lappend lpt Bene16 } elseif {[string first Vorlage/ $pt] == -1 && $pt ni {Tobias_"ToMar"_Maier}} { lappend lpt $pt } } set lpt [lsort -unique $lpt]

set einl [string map [list

\n {} \n

{}] $einl]

puts $einl foreach pt $lpt { puts [edit BD:$pt {Bot: Einladung: Neujahrstreffen im Allgäu (13.01.2018)} {} / appendtext \n\n$einl] } exit

set portale [cat {Kategorie:Wikipedia:MerlBot-Listen Typ (NeueArtikel)} x] foreach portal $portale {

  1. if {$portal ne {Portal:Aargau/Bausteine} && !$aaaa} {continue} else {incr aaaa}
  2. if {$portal ne {Benutzer:Olaf Kosinsky/Naumann-Stiftung}} {continue} else {set 1x 1}
  while 1 {
     try {
        if {[exec pgrep -cxu taxonbot] < 1000} {
           exec ./NeueArtikel1.tcl "[list [list $portal]]" &
           after 1000
     } on 1 {} {exec ./NeueArtikel1.tcl "[list [list $portal]]" & ; after 1000 ; break}
  1. if $1x {exit}



  1. set db [get_db dewiki]
  2. while 1 {if [catch {set db [get_db dewiki]}] {puts 1 ; after 10000 ; continue} else {break}}

set db [get_db dewiki] puts 1 mysqlclose $db set db [get_db dewiki] puts 2 mysqlclose $db set db [get_db dewiki] puts 3 mysqlclose $db set db [get_db dewiki] puts 4 mysqlclose $db set db [get_db dewiki] puts 5 mysqlclose $db set db [get_db dewiki] puts 6 while 1 {if [catch {set db [get_db dewiki]}] {puts 6 ; after 10000 ; continue} else {break}}

  1. set db [get_db dewiki]

puts 7 mysqlclose $db set db [get_db dewiki] puts 8 mysqlclose $db set db [get_db dewiki] puts 9 mysqlclose $db set db [get_db dewiki] puts 10 mysqlclose $db set db [get_db dewiki] puts 11 mysqlclose $db set db [get_db dewiki] puts 12 mysqlclose $db set db [get_db dewiki] puts 13 mysqlclose $db


for {set x 20} {$x <= 30} {incr x} {lappend na NeueArtikel.match/NeueArtikel-11$x} for {set x 1} {$x <= 19} {incr x} {lappend na NeueArtikel.match/NeueArtikel-12[format %02d $x]} set na [string map {1219 1219b} $na] foreach a $na { lappend conts [read [set f [open $a r]]] ; close $f } set sconts [split $conts \n] foreach l $sconts { if {[string first /leer/ $l] == -1} { lappend ll $l } } set nc [join [join $ll \n]] set f [open NeueArtikel.match/NeueArtikel-1219 w] ; puts $f $nc ; close $f


mysqlreceive $db1 {select page_title from page where page_title like '%(Zahnarzt%' and !page_namespace;} pt {lappend dcat [sql -> $pt]}

puts $dcat

  1. set dcat [dcat list Mediziner 0]

foreach page $dcat {

  1. input q "$page: j/n"
  2. if {$q eq {n}} {continue}

if {[string first (Zahnarzt $page] > -1} { puts \n[incr i]:$page set npage [string map {(Zahnarzt (Zahnmediziner} $page] puts $npage puts \n[get [post $wiki {*}$format {*}$token / action move / from $page / to $npage / reason "Bot: \[\[$page\]\] → \[\[$npage\]\] laut \[\[WP:RM#Klammerlemmafrage\]\]" / movetalk 1 / noredirect 1 / movesubpages 1]] source rename.tcl } }


set pl [mysqlsel $db { select page_title from page where !page_namespace and !page_is_redirect

} -flatlist]

set pl [lsort $pl]

foreach p $pl { puts $p if [missing $p] {continue} while 1 { if ![catch { set lconts [string tolower [set conts [conts t $p x]]] if {[string first masse $lconts] > -1 && ([string first gewicht $lconts] > -1 || [string first achslast $lconts] > -1) && ([string first kp $conts] > -1 || [string first Mp $conts] > -1)} {puts "----- $p" ; set f [open test.out a] ; puts $f $p ; close $f} }] {break} } }


set page Liste_der_Sektionen_des_Deutschen_Alpenvereins

set lrex [regexp -all -inline -line -nocase -- { \Mitgliederzahl (.*?)\} [set nconts [conts t $page x]]] puts $lrex puts [llength $lrex] foreach {link id name} $lrex { set nconts [string map [list $link [format %s $id $name]] $nconts] } puts $nconts puts [edit $page {Bot: Mitglieder-Links auf Vorlage:DAV-Sektion umgestellt} $nconts]


set lt [scat {Ort in Nordamerika} 0] foreach t $lt { puts [edit $t {Bot: Linkkorrektur Kaukasische RasseWhite people} [string map [list "\[\[Kaukasische Rasse" "\[\[White people"] [conts t $t x]]] }


  1. set lt1 [dcat sqllist {Liste (Kulturdenkmale in Sachsen)} 0]

set lt2 [mysqlsel $db { select page_title from templatelinks join page on tl_from = page_id where !tl_from_namespace and tl_namespace = 10 and tl_title = 'Denkmalliste_Sachsen_Tabellenzeile' and !page_namespace

} -list]

foreach t [lsort $lt2] { lassign {} nlc lsline res set lc [split [conts t $t x] \n] foreach c $lc { if {[string index [string trim $c] 0] eq {|}} {lappend nlc $c} } foreach c $nlc { lappend lsline [split $c |=] } foreach col $lsline { if {[string trim [lindex $col 1]] in {Name NS Datierung Beschreibung} && [string trim [lindex $col 2]] eq {}} { lappend res $col break } } if ![empty res] {lappend lt "* \[\[[sql -> $t]\]\]"} }

puts [edit user:Z_thomas/Kulturdenkmallisten_Sachsen {alphabetisch} [join $lt \n]]


set nconts [set oconts [conts t BD:Maimaid x]] set tsformat {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M} set 7days [utc <- seconds {} $tsformat {-7 days}]

for {set sect 1} {$sect < 100} {incr sect} { if [catch { set csect [conts t BD:Maimaid $sect] if {[string first GiftBot/Ausrufer $csect] > -1} { set ts [utc <- [string map {Mai Mai.} {*}[dict values [regexp -inline -- {– \[\[Benutzer:GiftBot\|GiftBot\]\].*?(\d\d.*?\d{4})} $csect]]] {%H:%M, %e. %b. %Y} $tsformat {}] if {[clock scan $ts -format $tsformat] < [clock scan $7days -format $tsformat]} { lappend lsect [lindex [split $ts -] 0] $csect } } }] {break} }

foreach {year sect} $lsect { puts [edit BD:Maimaid/Archiv/$year {Bot: Archivierung des Ausrufers} {} / appendtext \n\n$sect] puts [edit BD:Maimaid {Bot: Archivierung des Ausrufers} [set oconts [string map [list $sect {}] $oconts]]]}


exec rm spiel.out exit

set c [regexp -all -inline -line -- {^==.*$} [conts id 1912033 x]] set d [dict values [regexp -all -inline -- {\[\[(.*?)\]\]} $c]] foreach e $d {puts $e:\n[conts t Diskussion:$e x] ; gets stdin}


foreach out [glob *.out] { set c [read [set f [open $out r]]] ; close $f if [catch {if {[string first recent $c] > -1} {puts $out}}] {puts $out} }


puts [mysqlsel $db " select * from aft_article_answer

" -list]


foreach l {B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z} { set title "Liste der Baudenkmale in Potsdam/$l" set lid [regexp -all -inline -- {\d{8}(?!,[tT])} [set c [conts t $title x]]] set i 0 foreach id $lid { if {[string first {dynaXML Error: Invalid Document} [getHTML$id.xml]] > -1} { incr i set c [string map [list $id\n $id,T\n] $c] } } puts [edit $title "Bot: Replacement of $i broken database links" $c / minor] }


puts [getHTML] exit }


set oc [conts t [set title {Liste der Baudenkmale in Potsdam/Z}] x] regexp -- {\|-[ ]?\n\|.*?\|\}} $oc otab regsub -all -- {\|\|(siehe|data| Die)} $otab "\n| \\1" otab

  1. puts $otab

regsub -all -- {\n(?!\|)} $otab ~~ otab set otab [string map {{Kolonistenhaus} {Kolonistenhaus}} $otab] set otab [string map {{Wissenschafts- und Restaurierungszentrum} {Wissenschafts- und Restaurierungszentrum}} $otab] set lotab [split $otab \n] foreach {o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 o6 --} [lrange $lotab 1 end-1] { set tr Template:Denkmalliste Brandenburg Tabellenzeile if {[regexp -all -inline -- {\d{8}} $o1] > 0} { lappend tr "| Id = [regexp -inline -- {\d{8}} $o1]" } else { lappend tr "| Id = " } regexp -- {\|(.*)(\{\{Coord.*)} $o3 -- o312 o33 set o312 [lreverse [split $o312 |]] lappend tr "| Adresse = [string trim [string trimleft $o2 |]]
[string trim [regsub -all -- {<.*?>} [lindex $o312 0] {}]]" lappend tr "| Lage-Sortierung = [string trim [join [dict values [regexp -inline -- {"(.*)"} [lindex $o312 1]]]]]" set bl {{Hermann Mattern} Finanzamt {Otto von Estorff (Architekt)} Stibadium {Otto Kerwien} {Neuer Garten Potsdam} {Karl Liebknecht} {Bernhard Kellermann} {Robert Neddermeyer} {Wilhelm Staab} Kolonisation {Kietz (Siedlung)} Kaserne UFA Kunstblume Chausseehaus {Bruno H. Bürgel} Krankenhaus {Richard Tauber} {Hans Marchwitza} {Carl Saltzmann} {Ernst Haeckel}} set art [join [dict values [regexp -inline -- {\[\[(.*?)[|\]]} $o4]]] if {$art in $bl} {set art {}}

  1. if {[regexp -inline -- {\d{8}} $o1] eq {09156548}} {set art {}}

lappend tr "| Artikel = $art" lappend tr "| NS = [string trim [join [dict values [regexp -inline -- {\|NS=(.*?)\|} $o33]]]]" lappend tr "| EW = [string trim [join [dict values [regexp -inline -- {\|EW=(.*?)\|} $o33]]]]" if ![empty art] { set lno4 [dict values [regexp -all -inline -- {\[\[(.*?)\]\]} $o4]] foreach no4 $lno4 { set cno4 [lindex [lreverse [split $no4 |]] 0] set o4 [string map [list \[\[$no4\]\] $cno4] $o4] } } lappend tr "| Bezeichnung = [string trim [string trimleft $o4 |]]" lappend tr "| Beschreibung = [string trim [string trimleft $o5 |]]" lappend tr "| Bild = [string trim [join [dict values [regexp -inline -- {\[\[.*?:(.*?)\|} $o6]]]]" if ![empty art] { set lcc [split [join [dict values [regexp -inline -- {\{\{([Cc]ommonscat.*?)\}\}} [conts t $art x]]]] |] if [empty lcc] { set cc {} } elseif {[lindex $lcc 1] eq {}} { set cc $art } else { set cc [lindex $lcc 1] } } else { set cc {} }

  1. if {[regexp -inline -- {\d{8}} $o1] eq {09155120}} {set cc {Schauspielhaus Potsdam}}

lappend tr "| Commonscat = $cc" lappend tr {} lappend ltr \{\{[join $tr \n]\}\} } set ntab [string map [list ~~ \n] "== Baudenkmale ==\n\{\{Legende Baudenkmal Brandenburg\}\}\n\n\{\{Denkmalliste Brandenburg Tabellenkopf\|Gemeinde Potsdam\}\}\n[join $ltr \n]\n|\}"] regexp -- {== Baudenkmale.*?\n\|\}} $oc otab puts [edit $title {Bot: Baudenkmalliste in Vorlagen gepackt, nach WP:Bots/Anfragen#Denkmallisten in Potsdam von normaler Tabellensyntax auf Vorlagen umstellen vom 2017-04-18} [string map [list $otab $ntab] $oc]]


foreach tr $lotab { set tr [string map [list \{ \\\{ \} \\\} \[ \\\[ \] \\\]] $tr] if {[string index $tr 0] eq {|}} { if [catch {lappend nlotab $ntr}] {lappend nlotab $tr} unset -nocomplain ntr } else { append ntr $tr set ntr [join $ntr] } }

foreach tr $nlotab { puts \n$tr }

puts $nlotab


set datahtml [getHTML]

  1. set ldata [[[dom parse -html $datahtml] documentElement] asList]

regexp -- {<table.*?} $datahtml table

set xml [[[dom parse -html $table] documentElement] asList]

foreach tr [lindex $xml 2 1 2] { set title [lindex $tr 2 1 2 0 2 0 1] puts \n$title set lct {} mysqlreceive $db " select cl_to from categorylinks, page where page_id = cl_from and page_title = '[sql <- $title]' and !page_namespace ;" ct { lappend lct $ct } if {{Theaterschauspieler} ni $lct} { set oc [conts t $title x] set nc [string map [list Kategorie:Filmschauspieler\]\] Kategorie:Filmschauspieler\]\]\n\[\[Kategorie:Theaterschauspieler\]\]] $oc] if {[incr i] < 10} {gets stdin} puts [edit $title {Bot: +Kategorie:Theaterschauspieler nach WP:Bots/Anfragen#Kategorie:Theaterschauspieler vom 2017-08-30} $nc / minor] } }


mysqlreceive $db { select page_title from page, templatelinks where tl_from = page_id and page_namespace = 0 and tl_from_namespace = 0 and tl_namespace = 10 and tl_title = 'Infobox_Tennisspieler';} pt { lappend lpt $pt }

foreach pt $lpt { puts [incr i]:$pt: regexp -line -- {^.*?Nation.*?=(.*)$} [conts t $pt 0] -- rnplayer if {[regexp -all -- {\{\{.*?\}\}} $rnplayer] > 1} {lappend spt "# \[\[[sql -> $pt]\]\]"} }

set spt [join $spt \n]

set out "Auf folgende Tennisspieler trifft der Sachverhalt mehrerer Nationen zu:\n$spt\n\n== Vergangene Nacht" set old [conts t user_talk:TaxonBot x] set new [string map [list {== Vergangene Nacht} $out] $old]

puts [edit user_talk:TaxonBot {} $new]


for {set sect 1} {$sect <= 508} {incr sect} { puts \n$sect: set sconts [conts id 85626 $sect] if {[string index $sconts 0] eq {=} && [string index $sconts 1] eq {=}} { puts $sconts switch $sect { 405 {set fdate {08:02, 25. Sep. 2014 (CE}} 450 {set fdate {20:37, 16. Nov. 2015 (CE}} 490 {set fdate {20:46, 14. Dez. 2016 (CE}} default {regexp -- {\d\d:\d\d, .*? \(CE} $sconts fdate} } puts $fdate regsub -- {(\. \w{3}) } $fdate {\1. } ndate puts $ndate set sdate [clock scan $ndate -format {%H:%M, %e. %b. %Y (CE} -timezone :Europe/Berlin -locale de] regexp -- {\d{4}} $ndate syear puts $sdate puts $syear lappend lsect $sdate $syear $sconts } }

  1. puts $conts

set lsect [lsort -stride 3 -index 0 -integer $lsect] foreach {sdate syear sconts} $lsect { lappend nconts $syear $sconts } set pconts [conts id 85626 0]\n\n set oyear 2003 foreach {syear sconts} $nconts { if {[expr $syear - $oyear] == 1} { append pconts "= $syear =\n" set oyear $syear } append pconts $sconts\n\n } puts [string trim $pconts] puts [edid 85626 {Bot: Seite aufgeräumt und zeitlich geordnet} [string trim $pconts] / minor] exit

puts [conts id 9468216 4]


set data [read [set f [open wikidata8incommonsinwikidata.out r]]] ; close $f

  1. set sdata [join [lrange [split $data \n] 0 end-1]]
  1. set sdata [lrange [split $data \n] 0 end-1]
  2. puts $sdata

foreach {1 2 3 4} [join [join $data]] { lappend ndata $3

  1. lappend s1 [split $1 :]


  1. foreach item $ndata {lappend lkv "page_title = '$item'"}
  2. mysqlreceive $db "select page_title from page, templatelinks where tl_from = page_id and tl_title = 'Infobox_Kreditinstitut' and page_namespace = 0 and ([join $lkv { or }]) order by page_title;" pgt {
  3. puts $pgt
  4. }

foreach item $ndata { if {$item in {Alte_Leipziger_–_Hallesche Bank_Julius_Bär Dexia Acer Boge_Kompressoren Bonava_Deutschland Böckmann_Fahrzeugwerke CHG-Meridian Colruyt_Group DIC_Asset DVV_Media_Group Euro_Cargo_Rail E_wie_einfach Evian_(Mineralwasser) Gerry_Weber Grass_Valley_(Elektronikunternehmen) Grass_Valley_Germany Hama_(Unternehmen) Host_Hotels_&_Resorts Hyosung_Group Jos._Schneider_Optische_Werke Knippers_Helbig Lloyd_Fonds Matrox_Imaging Monta_(Klebebandwerk) NBCUniversal NPO_«Digitale_Fernsehsysteme» Organismos_Sidirodromon_Ellados Piatnik RMI_Corporation RWE_Rhein-Ruhr_Netzservice Raschig_GmbH Reyher-Schrauben Samsung_C&T_Corporation Sky_Österreich Solar-Fabrik Stadtwerke_Düren Stadtwerke_Neumarkt_in_der_Oberpfalz Studio_Hamburg_Serienwerft_Lüneburg Synaptics Systems_on_Silicon_Manufacturing_Cooperation TEDi THK TeamWorx Telefónica_Europe }} {continue}

  1. if {$item in {{Baltischer Lloyd} Haltermann {Lichte Porzellan} {Prisma (Handelsplattform)} {Rosenheimer Verlagshaus}}} {continue}
  2. set item {Euro Cargo Rail}
  3. if {$item ne {Wendy’s} && !$aaa} {continue} else {incr aaa} ; if {$item eq {Wendy’s}} {continue}

set oconts [conts t $item x] set conts [conts t $item 0] set lline [split $conts \n] foreach line $lline { unset -nocomplain df if {[string first | $line] > -1 && [string first = $line] > -1 && [string first Logo $line] > -1 && [string first : $line] > -1} {

  1. puts $item:$line
  2. puts $item ; gets stdin
  3. regexp -- {\[\[.*?\:(.*?)[|\]]} $line -- df

if {[lindex $line 1] ne {Logo} && [lindex $line 1] ne {Logo=} && [lindex $line 0] ne {|Logo}} {puts [list $item $line]} } } } exit regsub -line -- {(^.*?=).*$} $line "\\1 [string map {& {\&} _ { }} $df]" nline

  1. puts \n$item\n$nline

set snline [split $nline =] foreach {1 2} $snline { puts [list $item [string trim $2]] set f [open wikidata6.out a] ; puts $f [list $item [string trim $2]] ; close $f }

  1. set nconts [string map [list $line $nline] $oconts]
  2. puts \n$item\n$nconts

} }

  1. input ers "Ersetzen? "
  2. if {$ers eq {n}} {
  3. continue
  4. } else {
  5. puts [edit $item {Bot: Anpassungen an neue Infobox Unternehmen} $nconts / minor]
  6. }
  7. puts $nconts ; gets stdin
  8. puts $logoline
  9. gets stdin


exit puts $s1 set f [open wikidata8incommonsinwikidata.out w] ; puts $f [split $s1 \n] ; close $f exit foreach 1 $sdata { lappend lt [lindex [split $1 :] 2] } puts $lt


foreach {1 2} $sdata {lappend lkv "page_title = '$1'"}

mysqlreceive $db "select page_id, page_title, pp_value from page, page_props where pp_page = page_id and ([join $lkv { or }]) and pp_propname = 'wikibase_item' and page_namespace = 0 order by page_title;" {pgid pt ppv} { lappend ps $pgid $pt $ppv

  1. puts "$pgid $pt $ppv"

} foreach {pgid pt ppv} $ps { catch { set claims [get [post $wiki {*}$format / action wbgetclaims / entity $ppv] claims] if {{P154} in [dict keys $claims]} { puts $pt set f [open wikidata8incommonsinwikidata.out a] ; puts $f $pgid:$ppv:$pt:[dict get $sdata $pt] ; close $f } } }


set data [read [set f [open wikidata6.out r]]] ; close $f set sdata [join [lrange [split $data \n] 0 end-1]] foreach {1 2} $sdata { puts $1 if ![missing File:$2] { set f [open wikidata7incommons.out a] ; puts $f [list $1 $2] ; close $f } else { set f [open wikidata7nicommons.out a] ; puts $f [list $1 $2] ; close $f } }


mysqlreceive $db "select page_title from page, templatelinks where tl_from = page_id and tl_title = 'Infobox_Unternehmen' and page_namespace = 0 order by page_title;" pgt { lappend data $pgt }

set aaa 0

  1. set data [sqlcat {Wikipedia:Infobox Unternehmen fehlerhaft} 0]

foreach item $data {

  1. if {$item in {{Baltischer Lloyd} Haltermann {Lichte Porzellan} {Prisma (Handelsplattform)} {Rosenheimer Verlagshaus}}} {continue}
  2. set item {Euro Cargo Rail}

if {$item ne {Wendy’s} && !$aaa} {continue} else {incr aaa} ; if {$item eq {Wendy’s}} {continue} set oconts [conts t $item x] set conts [conts t $item 0] set lline [split $conts \n] foreach line $lline { unset -nocomplain df if {[string first | $line] > -1 && [string first = $line] > -1 && [string first Logo $line] > -1 && [string first : $line] > -1} {

  1. puts $item:$line
  2. puts $item ; gets stdin

puts $item regexp -- {\[\[.*?\:(.*?)[|\]]} $line -- df regsub -line -- {(^.*?=).*$} $line "\\1 [string map {& {\&} _ { }} $df]" nline

  1. puts \n$item\n$nline

set snline [split $nline =] foreach {1 2} $snline { puts [list $item [string trim $2]] set f [open wikidata6.out a] ; puts $f [list $item [string trim $2]] ; close $f }

  1. set nconts [string map [list $line $nline] $oconts]
  2. puts \n$item\n$nconts

} }

  1. input ers "Ersetzen? "
  2. if {$ers eq {n}} {
  3. continue
  4. } else {
  5. puts [edit $item {Bot: Anpassungen an neue Infobox Unternehmen} $nconts / minor]
  6. }
  7. puts $nconts ; gets stdin
  8. puts $logoline
  9. gets stdin

} exit puts $problems


while 1 { catch {puts [exec pgrep -c -u taxonbot test.tcl]} catch {puts [exec pgrep -c -u taxonbot test]} catch {puts [exec pgrep -c -u taxonbot tes]} catch {puts [exec pgrep -c -u taxonbot tett]}

  1. puts exec1:[exec pgrep -c -u taxonbot test.tcl]
  2. puts exec2:[exec pgrep -c -u taxonbot test]
  3. puts exec3:[exec pgrep -c -u taxonbot tes]
  4. puts exec4:[exec pgrep -c -u taxonbot tett]

puts [edit user:TaxonBot/Test8 {} [conts t {user:Doc Taxon/Test8} x]] after 120000 } exit

</source> -->