
} $tyear $tyear ] }

set i -1 set chrondate [utc -> seconds {} {%d.%m.%Y} {}] set chrondate60 [utc -> seconds {} {%d.%m.%Y} {61 days}] set adtdate_scan [clock scan [set adtdate $chrondate] -format %d.%m.%Y] set adtdate60_scan [clock scan [set adtdate $chrondate60] -format %d.%m.%Y] puts $adtdate_scan puts $adtdate60_scan set tdate [utc -> seconds {} {%e. %B %Y} {}] set tday [utc -> seconds {} %e {}] set tmonth [utc -> seconds {} %B {}] set tyear [utc -> seconds {} %Y {}] set nyear [utc -> seconds {} %Y {90 days}] set clox [utc -> seconds {} %H:%M {}] set adtday "Wikipedia:Hauptseite/Artikel des Tages/[utc -> seconds {} %A {}]" set adtpage0 "Wikipedia Diskussion:Hauptseite/Artikel des Tages" set adtpage $adtpage0/Vorschläge

set yearadtpage [dict values [regexp -all -inline -- {\[\[../(.*?)\|} [conts t $adtpage0/Index x]]] foreach year $yearadtpage { lappend dadtpage $adtpage0/$year [list oconts [set conts [conts t $adtpage0/$year x]] nconts $conts] }

  1. while {[incr i] <= 5} {
  2. puts $i
  3. set yearadtpage $adtpage0/[expr $nyear + $i][expr {$i == 5 ? {–...} : {}}]
  4. puts $yearadtpage
  5. lappend dadtpage $yearadtpage [list oconts [set conts [conts t $yearadtpage x]] nconts $conts]
  6. }

set archpage $adtpage0/Archiv/Vorschläge set tdaypage "Wikipedia:Hauptseite/Artikel des Tages/Heute" set chronpage "Wikipedia:Hauptseite/Artikel des Tages/Chronologie $tyear" set adt [vdata $adtday 0]

  1. foreach page [list $adtpage $zadtpage] {
  2. set olsect [get [post $wiki {*}$parse / page $page / prop sections] parse sections]
  3. foreach sect $olsect {
  4. dict with sect {
  5. if {$level > 1} {
  6. set vdata [vdata $fromtitle $index]
  7. lappend altlsect [list {*}$vdata {*}$sect]
  8. }
  9. }
  10. }
  11. }

foreach {page --} $dadtpage { set olsect [get [post $wiki {*}$parse / page $page / prop sections] parse sections] foreach sect $olsect { dict with sect { if {$level > 1 && ![empty index]} { set vdata [vdata $fromtitle $index]

  1. puts $vdata

lappend lsect [list {*}$vdata {*}$sect] try { if {[sql -> $fromtitle] eq "$adtpage0/$nyear" && [clock scan [dict get $vdata vdate] -format %d.%m.%Y] <= $adtdate60_scan} { lappend lsect60 [list {*}$vdata {*}$sect] } } on error {} { lassign {} lsect60 conts60 } } } } }

if {$argv eq {archive/außer Betrieb}} { puts ..archive.. set adtdiskconts [conts t [set adtdisk Diskussion:[dict get $adt vpage]] x] set nadtdiskconts $adtdiskconts if {[matchtemplate $adtdisk {Vorlage:AdT-Vorschlag Hinweis}] && [matchtemplate $adtdisk {Vorlage:War AdT}]} { regexp -nocase -- {\{\{AdT-Vorschlag.*?Datum=(.*?)\|.*?\}\}} $adtdiskconts vadt vdadt regexp -nocase -- {\{\{War AdT.*?\}\}} $adtdiskconts wadt if {[string first $tdate $wadt] == -1} { set madt [regexp -all -- {\=} $wadt] regsub -nocase -- {(\{\{War AdT.*?)(\}\})} $adtdiskconts \\1|[incr madt]=$tdate\\2 nadtdiskconts } if {[string trimleft [string trim $vdadt] 0] eq $tdate} { set nadtdiskconts [string trim [string map [list $vadt {}] $nadtdiskconts]] } set typus 1 } elseif [matchtemplate $adtdisk {Vorlage:AdT-Vorschlag Hinweis}] { regexp -nocase -- {\{\{AdT-Vorschlag.*?Datum=(.*?)\|.*?\}\}} $adtdiskconts vadt vdadt if {[string trimleft [string trim $vdadt] 0] eq $tdate} { set nadtdiskconts [string trim [string map [list $vadt "\{\{War AdT|1=$tdate\}\}"] $adtdiskconts]] } else { set nadtdiskconts [string trim [string map [list $vadt "$vadt\n\{\{War AdT|1=$tdate\}\}"] $adtdiskconts]] } set typus 2 } elseif ![matchtemplate $adtdisk {Vorlage:War AdT}] { set nadtdiskconts [string trim "\{\{War AdT|1=$tdate\}\}\n$adtdiskconts"] set typus 3 } else { set typus 4 } if {$typus != 4} { puts $typus:[edit $adtdisk "Bot: Artikel des Tages $tdate" $nadtdiskconts / minor] } else { puts $typus:nochange } dict with adt { puts [edit $tdaypage "Bot: heutiger AdT: \[\[$vpage\]\]" "#WEITERLEITUNG \[\[$vpage\]\]" / minor] if [missing $chronpage] { puts [edit $chronpage {Bot: neue AdT-Chronologie} [chronpage0 $tyear]] } set chronconts [conts t $chronpage x] set chronsect1 [conts t $chronpage 1] set chronlinepart "\[\[$vpage\]\][expr {$typus == 1 ? { (erneut)} : {}}]" set chronline "* $chrondate $chronlinepart" if {$chrondate ni $chronsect1} { if {$tday == 1} { set nchronsect1 "=== $tmonth $tyear ===\n$chronline\n\n$chronsect1" } else { set chrontopic "=== $tmonth $tyear ===" set nchronsect1 [ string map [list $chrontopic $chrontopic\n$chronline] $chronsect1 ] } set nchronconts [string map [list $chronsect1 $nchronsect1] $chronconts] puts [edit $chronpage "Bot: heutiger AdT: $chronlinepart" $nchronconts / minor] } } foreach sect $lsect { dict with sect { lappend lv $vpage lappend lvdisk Diskussion:$vpage } } while 1 {if ![catch { set lvhtemp [template2 {Vorlage:AdT-Vorschlag Hinweis} 1] }] {break}} foreach vhtemp $lvhtemp { if {$vhtemp ni $lvdisk} { set nvdiskconts [set vdiskconts [conts t $vhtemp x]] regexp -nocase -- {\{\{AdT-Vorschlag Hinweis.*?\}\}} $vdiskconts rxtemp set nvdiskconts [string map [list $rxtemp\n {} "$rxtemp \n" {} $rxtemp {}] $nvdiskconts] if {$nvdiskconts ne $vdiskconts} { puts [edit $vhtemp "Bot: Löschung des obsoleten AdT-Vorschlags" $nvdiskconts / minor] } } } set larchsect {} foreach sect $lsect {

		dict with sect {

catch { if {[clock scan $vdate -format %d.%m.%Y] < $adtdate_scan} { if {$fromtitle eq [sql <- $adtpage]} { lappend larchsect [m2q $vdate] [conts t $fromtitle $index] } } } } } if ![empty larchsect] { set newadtpage [set oldadtpage [conts t $adtpage x]] set newadt2page [set oldadt2page [conts t $adtpage0/$nyear x]] foreach sect $lsect60 { dict with sect { lappend conts60 [set conts0 [conts t $fromtitle $index]] set newadt2page [string map [list $conts0\n\n {} \n\n\n \n\n] $newadt2page] } } set newadtpage [string map [list [set c1 [conts t $adtpage 1]] $c1\n\n[join $conts60 \n\n]] $newadtpage] foreach {q archsect} $larchsect { set newadtpage [string map [list $archsect\n\n {} \n\n\n \n\n] $newadtpage] set erltx {:Archivierung dieses Abschnittes wurde gewünscht von: \1} regsub -nocase -all -line -- {\{\{erledigt\|(?:1=)?(.*?)\}\}} $archsect \n$erltx archsect dict lappend newaadtpage $q $archsect lappend lq $q } if {[conts t $adtpage x] eq $oldadtpage} { foreach q [lsort -unique $lq] { if ![missing $archpage/$q] { set archconts [string map [list \n\n\n \n\n] [conts t $archpage/$q x]\n\n[join [dict get $newaadtpage $q] \n\n]] } else { set archconts [string map [list \n\n\n \n\n] "\{\{Archiv\}\}\n\n[join [dict get $newaadtpage $q] \n\n]"] } lappend cq "[expr {[set c [llength [lsearch -all -exact $lq $q]]] == 1 ? "$c Abschnitt" : "$c Abschnitten"}] nach \[\[$archpage/$q\]\]" set acq "Bot: Archivierung von $c Abschnitt[expr {$c > 1 ? {en} : {}}] von \[\[$adtpage\]\]" puts [edit $archpage/$q $acq $archconts] catch { set links [get [post $wiki {*}$parse / title $archpage/$q / text [dict get $newaadtpage $q] / prop links / contentmodel wikitext] parse links] foreach line $links { dict with line { if !$ns { lappend lpt Diskussion:${*} } } } puts [get [post $wiki {*}$format / action purge / titles [join $lpt |] / forcerecursivelinkupdate 1]] } } puts [edit $adtpage "Bot: Archivierung von [join $cq {, }] + Übertragung neuer Vorschläge von \[\[$adtpage0/$nyear\]\]" [string map [list \n\n\n \n\n] $newadtpage]] if {$newadt2page ne $oldadt2page} { puts [edit $adtpage0/$nyear "Bot: Übertragung neuer Vorschläge nach \[\[$adtpage\]\]" [string map [list \n\n\n \n\n] $newadt2page]] } } else { puts {Edit conflict} exec ./adt2.tcl archive >> adt2.out 2>@1 & } } set lang test ; source langwiki.tcl ; #set token [login $wiki] puts [edid 63277 {Log: AdT} {} / appendtext "\n* [utc <- seconds {} %Y-%m-%dT%TZ {}] AdT-Archiv: Task finished!"] }

  1. Header von lang dea auf de gestellt

set lang de ; source langwiki.tcl ; #set token [login $wiki] unset lsect set lvpage {} foreach {page --} $dadtpage { set olsect [get [post $wiki {*}$parse / page $page / prop sections] parse sections] foreach sect $olsect { dict with sect { if {$level > 1} { set vdata [vdata $fromtitle $index] if {[set vpage [dict get $vdata vpage]] ni $lvpage} { lappend lvpage $vpage } else { continue } lappend lsect [list {*}$vdata {*}$sect] } } } }

if {$argv eq {notice}} { if {[string first 00:0 $clox] > -1} {exec ./adt3.tcl >> adt3.out 2>@1 &} puts ..notice.. set lkand [dcat list {Wikipedia:Bewertete Seite} 0] foreach sect $lsect {

  1. puts $sect

dict with sect { if {$vdate eq {TT.MM.JJJJ}} {continue} if {[string first \{\{AdT-Vorschlag [conts t $fromtitle $index]] == -1} {continue ; #AdT-Vorschlag fehlt} if {[empty vdate] || [string first $vdate $line] == -1} {puts "DATUM wurde nicht im Topic gefunden:\n$sect" ; continue} if {[empty vpage] || [string first $vpage $line] == -1} {puts "LEMMA wurde nicht im Topic gefunden:\n$sect" ; continue} set adtdisk Diskussion:$vpage if {[string first $line] == -1 && $vpage in $lkand && [clock scan $vdate -format %d.%m.%Y] > $adtdate_scan} { if [catch { set ptempl [page [post $wiki {*}$query / prop templates / titles $adtdisk / tllimit 5000]] if {{templates} in [dict keys $ptempl]} { set ltempl [join [dict get $ptempl templates]] } else { set ltempl {} } }] {puts "$adtdisk: Fehler bei der Vorlagenauswertung" ; continue} set vdate_f [string trim [utc ^ $vdate %d.%m.%Y {%e. %B %Y} {}]] set vdate_y [string trim [utc ^ $vdate %d.%m.%Y %Y {}]] set notice "\{\{AdT-Vorschlag Hinweis|Datum=$vdate_f|Abschnitt=$line[expr {[sql <- $adtpage] ne $fromtitle ? "|Zukunft=$vdate_y" : {}}]\}\}" if {{Vorlage:AdT-Vorschlag Hinweis} ni $ltempl} { set summary "Bot: Dieser Artikel wurde für den $vdate_f zum Artikel des Tages vorgeschlagen, siehe \[\[[sql -> $fromtitle#$line]|Diskussion\]\]." puts [edit $adtdisk $summary {} / prependtext $notice\n / minor] } elseif {{Vorlage:AdT-Vorschlag Hinweis} in $ltempl} { set Zukunft {} set conts0 [conts t $adtdisk 0] varassign [conts t $adtdisk x] {oconts nconts} regexp -line -- {\{\{AdT-Vorschlag Hinweis.*\}\}} $conts0 rex set nconts [string map [list $rex $notice] $nconts] if {$nconts ne $oconts} {

  1. puts $adtdisk:[lindex [split $nconts \n] 0]
  2. set adtdisk user:TaxonBota/Test

puts [edit $adtdisk {Bot: Vorschlag zum Artikel des Tages aktualisiert} $nconts / minor] } } } } } exec ./adt2.tcl veto >> adt2.out 2>@1 & }

if {$argv eq {veto}} { if {[string first 00:0 $clox] > -1} {exec ./adt3.tcl >> adt3.out 2>@1 &} puts \n..veto.. set db [get_db dewiki] mysqlreceive $db { select pl_title from pagelinks join page on page_id = pl_from where page_namespace = 5 and page_title = 'Hauptseite/Artikel_des_Tages/Verwaltung/Lesenswerte_Artikel' and pl_from_namespace = 5 and pl_namespace = 0 ;} plt { lappend lplt [sql -> $plt] } mysqlclose $db foreach sect $lsect { dict with sect { if {$vdate eq {TT.MM.JJJJ}} {continue} if {[string first \{\{AdT-Vorschlag [conts t $fromtitle $index]] == -1} {continue ; #AdT-Vorschlag fehlt} if {[empty vdate] || [string first $vdate $line] == -1} {puts "DATUM wurde nicht im Topic gefunden:\n$sect" ; continue} if {[empty vpage] || [string first $vpage $line] == -1} {puts "LEMMA wurde nicht im Topic gefunden:\n$sect" ; continue} if {[string toupper $vpage 0 0] in $lplt} { set ncontssect [set ocontssect [conts t $fromtitle $index]] if {[string first "\{\{Ist AdT-Veto" $ocontssect] == -1 && [string first "\{\{ist AdT-Veto" $ocontssect] == -1} { set ncontssect [string map [ list ==\n "==\n\{\{Ist AdT-Veto|1=TaxonBota\}\}\n" ] $ncontssect] dict with dadtpage [sql -> $fromtitle] { set nconts [string map [list $ocontssect $ncontssect] $nconts] } } } } } foreach {adtpage conts} $dadtpage { dict with conts { if {$oconts eq [conts t $adtpage x] && $nconts ne $oconts} { puts [edit $adtpage {Bot:Hauptautorenveto eingetragen} $nconts / minor] } } } }

exec ./adt3.tcl >> adt3.out 2>@1 &

</source> -->