In ecology, the terrestrial ecoregion is the certain area of land which is different from the area near it. It has the distinct climate, geology, type of soil, water availability, and distinct living species (the animals and plants that live in the ecoregion).

For example, one ecoregion can be the desert. It would have sand, very little water, very hot temperatures during the day and very cold at night. The plants could be just bushes, small trees, cactii. The animals could be scorpions, little mammals, spiders.

Or for example, an ecoregion could be the tropical forest It would have warm temperatures all day, the lot of rainfall all year, the huge river crossing, and the very organic soil. The plants could be huge trees or ferns. The animals could be insects, birds, fish and apes.

An ecoregion is likely to be about 100 km square.

Marine ecoregions are similar, but are located in the oceans or fresh waters.