Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Title/doc

local bodge = require "Module:mw"

local z = {}

-- This is used by template {{italic title}}.
function z.italicize(frame)
    local pframe = frame:getParent()
    local args = pframe.args -- the arguments passed TO the template, in the wikitext that instantiates the template
    local config = frame.args -- the arguments passed BY the template, in the wikitext of the template itself
    local pagename = config.pagename or ""
    local namespace = config.namespace or ""
    local title, disambiguator 
    if "true" ~= args.force then -- This is a string, "true", not a boolean.
        title, disambiguator = pagename:match("(.*)(%(.*%))")
        if nil == title then
            local index = 1
            while true do
                local arg = args[index]
                if arg == nil then break end
                title, disambiguator = pagename:match("(.*)(" .. arg .. ")")
                if title ~= nil then break end
                index = index + 1
    if nil == title then title, disambiguator = pagename, "" end
    if "" ~= namespace then namespace = namespace .. ":" end
    return frame:preprocess("{{DISPLAYTITLE:" .. namespace .. "''" .. title .. "''" .. (disambiguator or "") .. "}}")

function z.lowchar(ch)
    local cbyt = string.byte(ch)
    local lowch = ch
    local xlet = {
    -- 1 ----- 2 ----- 3 ----- 4 ----- 5 ----- 6 ----- 7 ----- 8 -----
    if (cbyt < 128) then return string.lower(ch) end
    for i = 1, 94 do  --for each pair in array xlet[]
      if ( ch == xlet[i+i-1] ) then
        lowch = xlet[i+i]   -- matches at xlet[2*i - 1]
        break end
    return lowch

-- This is used by template {{lowercase title}}.
function z.lowercase(frame)
    local pframe = frame:getParent()
    local args = pframe.args -- the arguments passed TO the template, in the wikitext that instantiates the template
    local config = frame.args -- the arguments passed BY the template, in the wikitext of the template itself
    local pagename = config.pagename or ""
    local pn0 = pagename
    local namespace = config.namespace or ""
    local debugsw = config.debug or ""
    local ch1 = '?'
    if "" ~= namespace then namespace = namespace .. ":" end
    if #pagename > 0 then 
      local more
      ch1 = pagename:sub(1,1)
      if (string.byte(ch1) < 128 and string.byte(ch1) > 64) then 
        ch1 = z.lowchar( ch1 )
        more = string.sub(pagename,2)
        ch1 = z.lowchar( pagename:sub(1,2) )
        more = string.sub(pagename,3) end
      pagename = ch1 .. more
    local title = namespace .. pagename
    if debugsw ~= "" then
      return "{{DISPLAYTITLE:"..title.."}} - pagnam:" ..pn0:sub(1,1)..'/'..pn0:sub(2,2)..'/'..pn0:sub(3,3).."="..string.byte(pn0:sub(1,1))..'/'..string.byte(pn0:sub(2,2))..'/'..string.byte(pn0:sub(3,3))
      return frame:preprocess("{{DISPLAYTITLE:" .. title .. "}}")

return z