Module:Standard atomic weight

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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Standard atomic weight/doc

local  M =  {}

M['Ag']  =  107.8682       -- Silver (Ag)
M['As']  =  74.921595      -- Arsenic (As)
M['Au']  =  196.966569     -- Gold (Au)
M['B']   =  10.8135        -- Boron (B)
M['Ba']  =  137.327        -- Barium (Ba)
M['Bi']  =  208.9804       -- Bismuth (Bi)
M['Br']  =  79.904         -- Bromine (Br)
M['C']   =  12.0106        -- Carbon (C)
M['Ca']  =  40.078         -- Calcium (Ca)
M['Cl']  =  35.4515       -- Chlorine (Cl)
M['Co']  =  58.933194     -- Cobalt (Co)
M['Cu']  =  63.546        -- Copper (Cu)
M['F']   =  18.998403163  -- Fluorine (F)
M['Fe']  =  55.845        -- Iron (Fe)
M['Ga']  =  69.723        -- Gallium (Ga)
M['H']   =  1.007975      -- Hydrogen (H)
M['Hg']  =  200.592       -- Mercury (Hg)
M['I']   =  126.90447     -- Iodine (I)
M['K']   =  39.0983       -- Potassium (K)
M['Li']  =  6.9675        -- Lithium (Li)
M['Mg']  =  24.3055       -- Magnesium (Mg)
M['Mn']  =  54.938044     -- Manganese (Mn)
M['N']   =  14.006855     -- Nitrogen (N)
M['Na']  =  22.98976928   -- Sodium (Na)
M['Ni']  =  58.6934       -- Nickel (Ni)
M['O']   =  15.9994       -- Oxygen (O)
M['P']   =  30.973761998  -- Phosphorus (P)
M['Pb']  =  207.2         -- Lead (Pb)
M['Pt']  =  195.084       -- Platinum (Pt)
M['S']   =  32.0675       -- Sulfur (S)
M['Tl']  =  204.3835      -- Thallium (Tl)
M['Zn']  =  65.38         -- Zinc (Zn)

return  M