Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Mw/doc
local extensiontags = {
nowiki = true,
ref = true,
gallery = true,
pre = true,
source = true,
categorytree = true,
charinsert = true,
hiero = true,
imagemap = true,
inputbox = true,
math = true,
poem = true,
ref = true,
references = true,
syntaxhighlight = true,
timeline = true,
local text = {
-- This returns a string with HTML character entities for wikitext markup characters.
-- FIXME: Space at the start of a line isn't handled.
escape = function (text)
text = text:gsub( '[&\'%[%]{|}]', {
['&'] = '&',
["'"] = ''',
['['] = '[',
[']'] = ']',
['{'] = '{',
['|'] = '|',
['}'] = '}' } );
return text;
text.tag = function (t, frame)
local name = or "!-- --"
local content = t.contents or ""
if ( extensiontags[name] ) then
-- We have to preprocess these, so that they are properly turned into so-called "strip markers" in the generated wikitext.
if ( not frame ) then error ("Please supply an extra frame argument to the mw.text.tag() function.") end
local params = {}
for n,v in pairs(t.params) do
table.insert(params, "|" .. n .. "=" .. v)
return frame:preprocess("{{#tag:" .. name .. "|" .. content .. table.concat(params) .. "}}")
-- Everything else we can just generate directly, without calling the preprocessor.
local attrs = {}
for n,v in pairs(t.params) do
if (v) then
table.insert(attrs, n .. "=\"" .. text.escape(v) .. "\"")
table.insert(attrs, n)
if ("" == content) then
return "<" .. name .. " " .. table.concat(attrs, " ") .. "/>"
return "<" .. name .. " " .. table.concat(attrs, " ") .. ">" .. content .. "</" .. name .. ">"
-- FIXME: How much of the below is obsolete now that we have the mw.uri module?
local url = {
server = "",
-- Return a string encoded for use in a URL, equivalent to the parser function {{urlencode:}}.
-- 0-9A-Za-z --> no change
-- -._ --> no change
-- ' ' --> '+'
-- '*' --> '%XX' where XX is hex value of character '*' other than those above
encode = function (t)
return mw.uri.encode( t );
-- This returns a string encoded for use in a URL, equivalent to the parser function {{anchorencode:}}.
encodeAnchor = function (t)
return mw.uri.anchorEncode( t );
url["local"] = function (title, query)
return "/w/index.php?title=" .. url.encode(title) .. "&" .. query
url.full = function (title, query)
return "//" .. url.server .. "/w/index.php?title=" .. url.encode(title) .. "&" .. query
-- Insert as the global functions if they haven't been supplied by Scribunto.
-- FIXME: I'm told this doesn't work. If not, take it out.
if ( nil == mw ) then mw = {} end
if ( nil == mw.text ) then mw.text = text end
if ( nil == mw.url ) then mw.url = url end
-- Return our replacement functions as this module's own exported function table.
return { url = url, text = text }