There are no reviewed versions of this page, so it may not have been checked for adherence to standards.

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Infobox road/name/CAN/doc

local p = {}

local format = string.format

local typesModule = require "Module:Infobox road/name/defs"
Country = typesModule.Country
Type = typesModule.Type
Name = typesModule.Name

local names = Country:new()
do -- Name definitions
    function names:typeOverride(args)
        local type = args.type
        local province = args.province
        if type == province then
            return self["Hwy"]
            return nil
    do -- Provincial highways
        local type = Type:new()
            local types = {"Fwy", "Hwy", "PTH", "Route", "2ndHwy", "TCH"}
            for i,v in ipairs(types) do
                names[v] = type
        do -- Highway
            local provinces = {"AB", "BC", "SK", "MB"}
            local name = Name:new{formatStr = "Highway %s"}
            for i,v in ipairs(provinces) do
                type[v] = name
        end -- Highway
        do -- Route
            local provinces = {"QC", "NB", "PE", "NL"}
            local name = Name:new{formatStr = "Route %s"}
            for i,v in ipairs(provinces) do
                type[v] = name
        end -- Route
        do -- Nova Scotia
            local function processTypeExceptions(exceptions, default, formatArgs)
                return function (args)
                    local formatArguments = {}
                    for i,v in ipairs(formatArgs) do
                        formatArguments[i] = args[v]
                    local type = args.type
                    local formatStr = exceptions[type] or default
                    args.override = format(formatStr, unpack(formatArguments))
            local typeExceptions = {["Hwy"] = "Highway %s", ["NS"] = "Highway %s", ["Route"] = "Route %s"}
            local preprocessor = processTypeExceptions(typeExceptions, '', {"route"})
            type["NS"] = Name:new{formatStr = "%s", formatArgs = {"override"}, preprocessors = {preprocessor}}
        end -- Nova Scotia
        do -- Ontario
            local exceptions = {["QEW"] = "Queen Elizabeth Way"}
            type["ON"] = Name:new{formatStr = "Highway %s", exceptions = exceptions}
        end -- Ontario
    end -- Provincial highways
    do -- Trunk highways (Nova Scotia)
        local type = Type:new()
        names["Trunk"] = type
        type["NS"] = Name:new{formatStr = "Trunk %s"}
    end -- Trunk highways (Nova Scotia)
    do -- Autoroutes (Quebec)
        local name = Name:new{formatStr = "Autoroute %s"}
        names["A"] = name
        names["Autoroute"] = name
    end -- Autoroutes (Quebec)
    names["CR"] = Name:new{formatStr = "%s County Road %s", formatArgs = {"county", "route"}} -- County roads
    names["RR"] = Name:new{formatStr = "%s Regional Road %s", formatArgs = {"county", "route"}} -- Regional roads
    names["MR"] = Name:new{formatStr = "%s Municipal Road %s", formatArgs = {"county", "route"}} -- Municipal roads
    names["PR"] = Name:new{formatStr = "Provincial Road %s"} -- Provincial roads
    do -- Secondary and Teritary Highways
        local name = Name:new{formatStr = "Highway %s"}
        names["Sec"] = name
        names["Secondary"] = name
        names["Tert"] = name
        names["Tertiary"] = name
    end -- Secondary and Teritary Highways
end -- Name definitions

p.names = names
return p