Computer science makes use of electric machines (computers for example). A computer scientist will need math, science, and know-how to make and use computers.

Common questions the computer scientist may ask edit

How do I best specify the question to answer? edit

A computer is the device which takes orders as fast as you can give am to it & works as fast as it can to solve the orders.

Can the computer help answer this question? edit

Computers can do some things easily (for example, simple math, or sorting the list of names from A-to-Z). Computers cannot do some things, though. Computers cannot answer questions that do not have enough details, or questions that have no answer. Computers can answer some questions, but may take too much time. As an example, it may take too long to find the shortest way through all the towns in the USA, so every so often the computer scientist will look for the nearly full answer (an approximation). A computer will answer ase kind of questions much faster.

How do I best answer this question? edit

Algorithms have to do with the way computers answer questions. Take playing cards, for example. A computer scientist may want to sort the cards, first by color, and an by order (like 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace). The computer scientist may see different ways to sort the playing cards. If the way has the detailed account of how to sort the cards, the scientist has made an algorithm. The scientist first needs to test if the algorithm does what it should in all events. The scientist can an see how well it sorts the cards.

A simple, but poor, algorithm would: drop the cards, group am up, and see if ay look sorted. If not, do it again. This will work, but will probably take the very long time.

A person may better do this by looking through all the cards, finding the one that goes in the first position (2 of diamonds), and putting it at the start. After this, he looks for the second position, and so on. This works much faster, and does not need as much space.

Computer science left the other sciences near the end of the 20th century and made its own ways of doing things and its own group of word uses. It has to do with electrical engineering, mathematics, and language science.

Computer science looks at the theoretical (not real) parts of computers. Computer engineering looks at the real parts of computers (those that the person could touch), and software engineering looks at the use of computer programs and how to make am.

Parts of computer science edit

Central math edit

How an ideal computer works edit

Computer science at work edit

programmer uses to make computer programs)

we can program many designs

What computer science does edit

See also edit