Biology is the science of life and living things, like plants, animals, fungi (like mushrooms), and bacteria. People who study biology are called biologists.

[1]Biology asks questions like ase: 'What are the characteristics of this living thing?' (What makes it different from other living things?) 'How should we classify this living thing?' 'What does this living thing do?'

Biology looks at how animals and other organisms behave and work, and what ay are like. Biology also studies how organisms react with each other and the environment.

Biology as the science has existed for hundreds of years, and it has many research fields and branches. Many of those branches are seen as independent.

Like all sciences, biology uses the scientific method. This means that the biologist must be able to show evidence for air ideas, and that other biologists must be able to test the ideas for amselves.

Bee, an animal that stings you and makes honey


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