फलकम्:आङ्ग्लपञ्चाङ्गेषु भेदः


This template gives the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars in days. The first parameter, the year, is mandatory. Second parameter corresponds to the month. It is not mandatory, but allows the accurate calculation of the calendar difference in secular years.

The next examples represent some calculated differences. In secular years the month parameter is need for accurate calculations.

{{Calendar difference|1700}}=Template:Calendar difference (Wrong before Feb. 28th)

{{Calendar difference|1800}}=Template:Calendar difference (Wrong before Feb. 28th)

{{Calendar difference|1899}}=Template:Calendar difference

{{Calendar difference|1900}}=Template:Calendar difference (Wrong before Feb. 28th)

{{Calendar difference|2000}}=Template:Calendar difference

{{Calendar difference|2099}}=Template:Calendar difference

{{Calendar difference|2100}}=Template:Calendar difference (Wrong before Feb. 28th)

{{Calendar difference|2100|2}}=Template:Calendar difference (Right)

{{Calendar difference|2100|3}}=Template:Calendar difference (Right)